
Day 22-We made it! Although differently than planned.

Gipatik: 13.08.2017

After sitting by the fire with our "neighbor" until late at night and chatting, we slept in. Since the weather was good, we decided to quickly drive to the North Cape after breakfast. The route to the North Cape was beautiful and the landscape became barren with every kilometer. We could observe reindeer everywhere on the roadside.

We reached a parking lot at 4 p.m., which is 6 kilometers before the North Cape plateau. Parking directly at the North Cape costs about 27 € per person and was too expensive for us. Also, it was our plan to hike 9 kilometers from the parking lot, which is not the North Cape but a further northward peninsula called "Knivskjellødden". From there, we wanted to walk along the coast to the North Cape plateau.

We started hiking in high spirits. When it started to rain after about half an hour, we didn't care at first and kept walking. Unfortunately, the rain got stronger and there was even hail from time to time. The path became muddy and the rocks became slippery with every drop.

After 3 kilometers, we were soaked and asked some hikers coming towards us for advice. They recommended turning back, which we eventually did. Luckily, the weather got even worse on the way back. The way back to the parking lot seemed to be very long and our mood didn't improve either. When we reached the car, we put on warm clothes and threw the wet things into a plastic bag. We were completely frustrated that no campsite within 100 kilometers had a free cabin for the night.

Since the weather forecast predicted even worse weather for the following day, we decided to drive to just before the North Cape plateau. There we parked on the roadside and walked the last 500 meters on foot.

The wind was already so strong on the way that it was easy to lean against it. Luckily, it stopped raining exactly at that moment.

Finally, we reached the North Cape and the long-awaited globe.

Contrary to our expectations, we even had a good view of the sea.

However, the wind was even stronger here. It was difficult to take photos and even stay still, so we only lasted a few minutes on the plateau.

The place doesn't really offer much, but we were simply happy to have finally reached our goal after the long journey and exhausting day.

Then we walked back to the car through the storm and drove 150 kilometers south. There we rented a cabin near the town of Kvalsund. We were exhausted when we arrived and just fell into our bed. It was understandably impossible to write a blog post at that point. It was pouring rain by now and we were just happy to be able to spend the night in a warm and dry cabin.
