
Day 91, 92, 93 and 94 - Christmas at the Beachhouse and the Meeting with the Sharks

Gipatik: 02.03.2023

Day 91 - Wednesday 21.12.2022
Arrival at the Beachhouse on Viti Levu

Today it was time to say goodbye again, as we made our way back to the main island. Packed and ready, we waited on the terrace when we found out that the ferry we were planning to take had engine trouble and was no longer running. However, our accommodation host had an alternative ready, supposedly at the same price, just two hours later. We thought, great! But at the pier, when we wanted to buy the ticket, it suddenly turned out to be $40 more expensive than expected. We were furious, as once again we felt deceived. But unfortunately, there were no alternatives and we had to pay the price. The boat was small but nice. Only 5 guests on board the Nanuya Flyers and off we went across the rough sea. It was quite wild and we all struggled with nausea. After two hours, we finally arrived at the Denaurau Harbor, where we found a taxi to take us to the bus station. After a short inquiry, we immediately found the bus and continued our journey. In the late afternoon, after almost 7 hours, we finally arrived at our resort. The Beachhouse was a slightly more upscale backpacker resort that we wanted to treat ourselves to for Christmas. The accommodation was very nice and we finally had a comfortable bed with a real mattress, Manfred's back was overjoyed.

Day 92 - Thursday 22.12.2022
Exploring the Beachhouse and its advantages

Today was all about relaxation. We wanted to fully enjoy the advantages of the slightly more expensive accommodation. We played table tennis, relaxed by the pool, and even played football together. I could hardly separate Anna from the ball, as she was so determined. In the evening, we had a wonderful buffet and filled our bellies. We enjoyed the very pleasant atmosphere at the Beachhouse and tried to relax to the fullest because the next day another big highlight was planned, which would demand everything from us.

Day 93 - Friday 23.12.2022
The Shark Dive - a life-changing diving experience

When we were planning our trip to Fiji, we came across the information that it is home to one of the most attractive shark diving spots in the world. We couldn't get this thought out of our minds and each gave ourselves the frightening diving experience as a Christmas present, which made a serious dent in our wallets. But as they say, you usually only get to such places once in a lifetime, so why not?
And today was the day. Early in the morning, we took a taxi to the dive school. After a quick check-in and payment, we received our equipment and before we knew it, we were on a boat heading to the dive site. The nervousness among the divers was palpable. Minute by minute, we became more restless and imagined all sorts of scenarios. Despite the fact that there was a safety diver on board for each diver, we knew that there was still a risk involved in this adventure. After all, these are sharks and you never know how they will behave in the wild. But before we knew it, it was time to 'dive' and we sank into the dark depths of the sea. Not even 10 seconds in the water and we already spotted the first shark. This creature, about 2 to 2.5 meters long, glided calmly past us. It was simply incredible. Then the dive masters positioned us behind a stone wall on the seafloor and the big feeding began.
A cluster of sharks formed. In addition to nurse sharks, reef sharks, and lemon sharks, there were also the more dangerous bull sharks. One bigger than the other, and we didn't know where to look. It was an overwhelming situation and none of us knew whether to cry out of fear or laugh with joy. The dive masters fed the sharks with fish remnants, sometimes even by hand (wearing chainmail), which was impressive and at the same time frightening. Whenever a shark got too close to the stone wall (where 'too close' might have been 30cm), it received a deterrent tap on the nose from the security diver positioned behind us. In the excitement, Manfred didn't pay attention to his breathing, and his air supply became quite scarce during the ascent. The second dive, which followed immediately after, was even more impressive. We already knew how everything would unfold and were a little more relaxed. We were able to enjoy the scenarios a bit better this time. The impressive creatures appeared very calm and not very dangerous underwater, until we saw them fighting over food, then we knew how fast and aggressive these animals can be. Nevertheless, this experience made us realize that sharks are not generally a threat to humans, as we are pretty low on their menu. Such dives sharpen the mind and help you understand the nature and its creatures a little better. After surfacing, we were all amazed. It was such an incredibly intense experience that we needed time to fully process all the impressions. Breathtakingly beautiful and extraordinary.
The rest of the day we spent at the hotel, trying to put the experience we just had into words. Unbelievable, we are both very grateful to have had such an experience.

Day 94 - Saturday 24.12.2022
Christmas on the Beach

We started the day very slowly. After breakfast, we played a round of billiards and jumped into the pool. It was Christmas, and we sat on the beach at 30 degrees with a beer, a strange feeling. Today, both of us felt homesick for the first time. We missed our family, our friends, and the Christmas traditions back home. To get into the Christmas spirit a bit more, we decided to draw a Christmas tree on the beach. We were very proud of our artwork and decorated it with coconuts.
In the evening, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset on the beach. There was another buffet, and a small choir even came to the hotel and sang us some Christmas carols. That was the moment when we really got into the Christmas spirit. Arm in arm, we enjoyed another beer and our Christmas cigar (which we brought from Cuba) and connected with our loved ones. It was so wonderful to hear and see the whole family again.


Mga taho sa pagbiyahe Fiji