Abenteuer Nepal
Abenteuer Nepal

Dubai and Return Journey

Gipatik: 24.11.2019

Our stay in Dubai began with a very rich breakfast. After that, we checked out of the hotel and got a day pass for public transportation (about 5 EUR per person). The recently completed metro, which is mostly an elevated train, is perfect for an inexpensive city tour. The trains run every 3 minutes, are extremely clean, have Wi-Fi, and have separate women's compartments (penalty for men traveling in those compartments is about 250 EUR). Furthermore, smoking and blowing bubble gum are strictly prohibited. The contrast to Kathmandu, which we visited yesterday, could not be more drastic. While people are suffocating in the trash or it is simply burned on the spot there, it seems that everything is sterile in Dubai. We saw how a pedestrian zone was cleaned with a wide mop... There are many superlatives, the third-largest airport, the tallest building in the world, wide streets, big cars (fuel costs almost nothing), every blade of grass is watered, etc... We were just as overwhelmed as the previous day in Kathmandu, but for completely different reasons... The return flight to Prague and the journey over the Ore Mountains went smoothly and we were home on time around midnight.
