
Tag 4: Auckland - Queenstown

Gipatik: 12.09.2018

Seems like I can't beat jetlag after all. I toss and turn in bed for 2 hours. Somehow, morning comes and I'm once again on my way to the airport. Today, I'm heading to Queenstown. It's my only destination on the South Island. I have to say, I'm a bit speechless right now. I just discovered that there are Wendy's and Target here. It seems like New Zealand has all the stores I desire, stores and restaurants that I only know from America and England. The suburbs of Auckland remind me a lot of America.

I check in my luggage, grab an orange juice, and go through security. Now I'm sitting at Gate 28, waiting for my flight to Queenstown. It's time to board the plane. I don't think I've ever been seated so quickly. The plane takes off and we soar into the sky. The scenery is simply incredible. I can see the waves crashing on the West Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The best thing about the flight is probably being able to admire Mount Taranaki. It stands tall next to New Plymouth.

Since I arrived in Queenstown, I can't stop marveling. It's just so beautiful here. Even though I've never been to Canada, I imagine it's exactly like this. Just a city amidst mountains. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the strong wind. But that's also the only thing that bothers me about Queenstown. Now I've reached the point where I almost want to cry because everything is just so incredibly beautiful. Especially the Queenstown Gardens.

Looks like I can't beat Jetlag. I'm rolling around in my bed for 2 hours. Somehow the morning is coming and I'm once again on my way to the airport. Today's trip ends in Queenstown. My only destination on the south island. I gotta say that I'm a bit speechless right now. I just discovered that Wendy's and Target exist here. Looks like New Zealand has all the shops a heart could desire. Shops and restaurant that I know from America and England. The suburbs of Auckland strongly remind me of America.

I drop my luggage off, get an orange juice and go through security check. Now I'm sitting at Gate number 28, waiting to catch my flight to Queenstown. It's time to board the plan. I don't think that I ever was on my seat this fast. The engines start and we are taking off. The nature is just unbelievable. I can see how the waves are breaking at the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The most beautiful thing about this flight is probably the fact that I can admire Mount Taranaki. It's located right next to New Plymouth.

Since I arrived in Queenstown I can't stop gasping. It's just so damn beautiful here. Even though I've never been to Canada it's exactly how I would imagine it. Just a town in the middle of mountains. The only thing that bothers me a little bit is that it's really windy. But that's about the only thing I can think of that's bad about Queenstown. Now I am actually at the point where I'm almost crying cause everything is so freaking beautiful. Especially the Queenstown Gardens.

Tubag (2)

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