Schahaatz und Ich endlich wieder weg….
Schahaatz und Ich endlich wieder weg….

Time is running out

Gipatik: 16.07.2023

What should we tell you, no matter how often you go on vacation and how early you book and plan everything, in the end, there is always too much unfinished and time is gone.

But what is all knowledge, now it's time to get down to business. The countdown is on - only 10 days until departure. Thank goodness we have already taken care of a few unimportant details:

- printed travel documents - check,

- no more plane tickets - so also check,

- picked up my new passport from the municipality - check,

- applied for and received visas for the USA and Canada, so we are allowed to enter - check,

- booked ferries for Vancouver Island (although once again way too late - as always) - check,

- placed the bear-deterrent bells - check.

This time, we don't need to think about camping gear, and our warm clothes can stay in the closet. No farewell party needs to be organized, and there's still time for the Advent calendar. Although - when we come home, it won't be long anymore.

Actually, there are only such unimportant things left to do as completing tax returns, returning packages, tidying up, booking the last hotels in Nova Scotia, and packing suitcases.

But it will be fine... we are most effective under time pressure.

Ps.: Small review 'Conclusions Canada' from last year at:


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