
Amazonas Part 2: Jungle Camp 🐍

Gipatik: 02.07.2016

At 5:30 am, it was time to wake up and drive to see the sunrise. Again, we have to say that it was beautiful to see the sun rise over the rainforest. It was definitely worth getting up early πŸŒ….

After a small breakfast - we had scrambled eggs and homemade bread, which tasted a little like "Mutzen" (for the people from Hesse: lard pastries) 🍞. We set off for our jungle tour. And there were already small creepy crawlies everywhere. But that's the wilderness. Bine did something that was the beginning of the jungle camp. She ate a maggot that nests in something coconut-like and apparently tastes like it too. Judging by Bine's expression and the half liter of water afterwards, it was just a rumor πŸ˜…

In addition, Paulo made jungle souvenirs for us out of some bamboo-like fabric. As you can see, Bine is definitely the better jungle queen, as was confirmed in the evening πŸ˜ƒ. Of course, we also swung through the jungle on a vine and let ants dance on our hands. Just a normal day in the jungle. For Marie, it was already some kind of challenge, but the day was not over yet. For lunch, we had rice with fish again (this time the fish was breaded) 🍚🐟. After our daily sunbath, we got two new members in our group: Silke and Michael from Austria. So we were complete to spend the night in the jungle and everyone had their role in this camp - it was almost like on RTL πŸ˜‚. Of course, we set off by boat again and were able to catch a few beautiful views.

When we arrived at our camp, everyone hung up their hammocks and Paulo started making a fire. The division of roles continued throughout the evening until the end:

PAULO the guide - he knows a lot, likes to drink beer, and knows all the survival tricks you need. He often has a funny comment, but is mainly annoyed by Torsten. πŸ˜’

TORSTEN the know-it-all - he not only knows a lot, he knows everything. And he knows everything better than anyone else. We found out that he knows about American politics, the legal system of individual states (including Colombia, Zimbabwe), and especially astronomy. And he wants to know even more. Paulo shakes his head because he doesn't understand how a person can talk so much. πŸ€”

LISA - the silent one. There she is: the one who sits in the corner and doesn't say anything. She is the first one at the food and needs twice as much as a normal person, but she is also selfish enough to sit directly in front of all the beautiful photo motives for a long time and take selfies. 🀐

SILKE & MICHAEL - the lovebirds. After 2 1/2 years of being together, still so cuddly, we're happy for you! And every jungle needs a couple. Carrying 8 kg of carry-on luggage for 3 weeks in Brazil - that's also quite something. 😍

BINE & MARIE - the chatty ones. Actually, we didn't know how to express it. It was like this: Marie actually didn't feel like this whole unhygienic sleeping in the jungle thing, and Bine tried to make it a little more pleasant. The food was shit, the mosquitoes were biting everyone, and it was just boring in between. So the photos on the Internet just look better 😁

In any case, there was finally some meat, which really improved Marie's mood. Because we grilled chicken over an open fire for dinner. After dinner, we went out on the Amazon River with the boat and looked at the stars. The entire Milky Way was really visible and it was a clear night. 🌌

So how was the night? Shitty, we all agree πŸ˜ƒ taking a nap in the hammock at noon is nice. But trying to sleep through the night with our friends, the mosquitoes. Nooooo. Marie woke up at half past five and watched the sunrise, and one by one, the camp members woke up and it was time to wash the dishes from the night before. Of course, in the Amazon where we had caught piranhas the day before. The toilet was a trampled spot in the middle of the rainforest, and breakfast consisted of hard-boiled eggs, crackers, and butter. Bine also had a special coffee, which was extinguished with hot ashes in order to settle the coffee grounds. How does that work? Torsten asked, Paulo didn't know πŸ˜‚ So no idea. None of us really slept well, as it seemed. The day had only just begun, and you can read about what happened next in the third part of our journey to Juma Lake πŸ˜‰

