Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)
Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)

last week in Handnesgarden

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 03.09.2016

My last week in Handnesgarden was really nice. On Tuesday evening, I didn't know what to do anymore, so I went to bed early. And then someone knocked and shouted at half past 11: 'There are Northern Lights.' So I 'had' to get up again and have a look. It looked really beautiful, but I had imagined it to be more spectacular, but maybe that was just because I was too tired and it was freezing cold. (In reality, you don't see as much as in the pictures. That's due to long exposure). That was the only evening with good weather. The rest of the week it rained continuously and we always had wet clothes. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I first removed the bark from wooden boards and then from logs. That was something different from picking berries. And on Thursday, I washed and greased harnesses and reins all day. That's also fun when it's pouring outside and you can sit inside the warm tack room. On Thursday evening, we all sat together in the living room again and I got a delicious farewell cake. And before that, we had a big blueberry pie, but we ate it so quickly that I couldn't take a picture. On Friday, I didn't do much except feed the birds one last time and pack my things. This time it took forever, because I was constantly thinking about how quickly time has passed and couldn't believe that another month was already over. But it was really strange. Every Friday evening you would think: 'Huh? It was just Monday? Where did the week go?'. But after being away for 2 months, you start looking forward to going home again ;) ... to Jimmy, the delicious food, having your own room again, a nice shower, the people who are at home..... That's why it's good that I'm still away for another month and a half, because anticipation is the greatest joy ;). I've been looking forward to the next 2 weeks for a long time, and now the time has finally come. Yesterday evening, Sigbjörn took me to Nesna by his new 'old' fishing boat. We drove for an hour and I didn't get seasick -> which leads to the following conclusion: 'Sigbjörn is a better captain than Nikolay' or 'Never ride on a Russian boat even if it's much more fun.' I took the bus to Mo i Rana and had to wait for an hour and a half for my train. At first, I had the whole station to myself, but shortly before 12, other people arrived. Yes, and I traveled by train from 12:20 am to 3:03 pm without interruption. I really like traveling by train now. You can look out of the window for 15 hours and sleep a bit in between. Although I can never sleep on the first night, usually only on the second, because one is so tired then. And the landscape was really beautiful, I didn't see that on the way there because it was mostly dark. And now I'm sitting in Oslo again. This time only for 8 hours and not 22 :). Earlier, I was at the post office because I wanted to send some things that I didn't need for hiking to the next farm. The problem was only that the largest package they had was too small for my things :( The smaller backpack and a towel didn't fit anymore. I hope that doesn't bother me too much in the next 2 weeks. My backpack is now only half as heavy and actually only filled with 1/3 clothes, 1/3 food and drinks, and 1/3 with the small backpack ;)

But it's really warm here in Oslo. It hasn't been this warm for the whole last month. You can just sit outside with a T-shirt on and not freeze. Mega cool. I'm sitting here in the park right now and making nutella and butter sandwiches for the bus ride. And a little girl (about 2 years old) just stole my nutella. And she didn't understand me. Then she took the nutella to her mother, who told her something in Norwegian and then she brought it back :). And earlier, a little boy ran into me with his scooter. So if you ever in Oslo, be careful with the little children and hide your nutella well!

My bus leaves for Stockholm at 11:15 PM today, where I will arrive at 7:00 AM. And from there, I will take a train to Örnsköldsvik where Max and Markus will join me. Then I probably won't write a blog anymore, because I won't have internet anymore.
