
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 10.07.2018

But Lima has more than just 'interesting' buildings to offer, but also beautiful Baroque monasteries, Santo Domingo and San Francisco, true retreats from the busy and noisy city. Beautiful courtyards, libraries, and sacred spaces and crypts can be admired, but woe to those who take photos!! Strictly forbidden and monitored in San Francisco. WE were daring enough and still took some #breakingthelaw.

Lima's recreational areas can be reached by public transportation after about 3 hours of travel, plus the time it takes to figure out how to actually get to the destination. In the Sierra, it is no longer foggy and significantly warmer, and you can visit cataratas - a nice change from the gray city center. However, a lot of standing in the public buses is unavoidable.

It is also very interesting who you can meet in Lima, even people who are very close to you. With Tici and her host family, we went to the Gemstone Museum. The rule there was: only 3 photos per person. Again, WE were already on the verge of going to jail because there were 4. Or 5. Or 20. At the evening water show, we got into trouble with the police again because we dared to step on the lawn in the park.

Fortunately, we have now arrived in Trujillo after a long bus ride, after disturbing the morning rush hour in the capital with our bulky luggage and thinking that we would never arrive. Due to all these offenses, we are very relieved that we are still free!

উত্তর (3)

Ihr könnt ja schon mal vorsichtshalber zu einem guten Anwalt Kontakt aufnehmen, der euch dann wieder aus dem Knast rausholt....🤑

😉 genau

Tolle Fotos, schön mit euch zu fühlen

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