
27.10. We are going to Baños

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 28.10.2018

Today we made our way to Baños. Baños is about 3.5 hours south of Quito. However, first we had to take an hour-long ride through Quito on the Trolebus to the bus station. That alone wasn't so easy. You don't just buy a ticket and that's it, instead you get coins that need to be inserted for the turnstile to be released. The coin for children looked like one of the change coins 🙄 and I had put it in my pocket and had to find it again 😬. Luckily, there was a very nice man named Roberto behind us at the ticket counter, who then helped us to get to the platform, take the right bus, which he also happened to take to the bus station. So, I had plenty of time to deliver my few Spanish phrases to the man 😁. Luckily, he spoke fluent French. With this mix, we were able to communicate quite well. He then helped us to buy tickets for the overland bus to Baños, brought us through the turnstile, which also had to be crossed here, to get to the departure platform. This time it was little paper scraps that had to be read in order for the turnstile to move 🙄. I hadn't recognized them as being in any way meaningful. 10 minutes later, we were on our way. The bus ride was very entertaining, because there were constantly salesmen getting on and starting some kind of advertising event. A sightseeing tour doesn't even compare. You could also buy food. So, we didn't have to starve. In addition, two movies were playing during the ride. However, you couldn't understand much because the bus engine was so loud. But I probably wouldn't have understood much anyway 😁. The first movie was so brutal that I allowed Milo to play on my phone the whole time so that he wouldn't see it. Better the devil you know.......🙄

Baños is a super touristy place. But quite exciting. Photos will follow tomorrow. Our accommodation is a kind of run-down hippie shack, but with a certain charm. We'll also take a few photos of that tomorrow. We just did one thing while brushing our teeth in the bathroom:

This creature definitely had a body length of 7cm and endless long antennae. Good night 😬

উত্তর (3)

wow, ihr erlebt ja tolle dinge und wie gut , dass es jemanden gibt, der euch bei schwierigkeiten hilft. ist el animal nicht nur un grillo grande? verfolge gespannt euren weitren reiseverlauf : ) ja, die reisebusse n südamerika zeigen immer gerne brutale filme auch horrorfilme-ganz egal ob dort kinder anwesend sind. krass :(. habt euch wohl und bleibet geschützt.

Cooles Haustierchen

Ja, sah aus wie ein niedlicher Grashüpfer 😁 Milo wollte trotzdem nicht mehr ins Bad