Santiago on foot

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 11.12.2018

The first night at the hostel was ok. I changed the mattress of the empty bed above me and slept well so far. After the journey, I was pretty tired. I woke up around 6:30 and looked out the window. A great sunrise view, it will surely get better in the next few weeks, but still, I was blissful...

After a few more hours of sleep, I set out on foot to explore the city. Santiago is said to be the city of neighborhoods. Equipped with a small map, I walked to Barrio Lastarria. Many things were still closed, but I could imagine how nice it must be here in the evenings and on weekends. Small cafes and bars and just a nice atmosphere.

From there, I continued to Plaza de Armes. THE central square in Santiago. On the way, I passed many busy streets and then it was in front of me. Many monstrous palm trees and a huge fir tree. It's strange to get into the Christmas spirit at 30 degrees.

I visited the large cathedral at the square! (The building with the 2 towers) Madness, what a church... I have seen many on my travels, but this cathedral is definitely in 2nd place after the burial and resurrection site of Jesus in Jerusalem, Israel.

There should be a mass at 11 and it was almost 11. I PARTICIPATED. Why not. I didn't understand a word, but it was impressive. Homeless next to managers, Santiagans next to tourists, and me, an artist, in the middle! The organ music and chants were great and I kept thinking how nice it is to travel alone without the stress of time and appointments. So I joined a holy, Catholic mass in Santiago de Chile :-)

From there, I continued to Mercado Central. There are many fish here. Fresh. With eyes. In the hall, I ordered a fish soup for lunch. Wow, what a soup. So many things I have never eaten before. Delicious and reasonably priced.

From Mercado, I continued to the neighborhood "Bellas Artes". It was recommended to me and yes, it's quite nice and worth a visit. I had a coffee, strolled around, and then took the metro to the neighborhood "Italia".

In the neighborhood "Italia", I initially got lost. Not because it's so big, but because I walked in the wrong direction. Eventually, I shouted at two construction workers who pointed me in the right direction. After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at Avenida Italia. This neighborhood is really unbelievably beautiful. If I were to move to Santiago, it would be here :-) Many small restaurants, cafes, retailers, charming green streets, small houses, and everything is cozy. At an intersection, I encountered a carriage and the "driver" greeted me kindly. My absolute recommendation for Santiago. Whether in the afternoon or evening, Barrio Italia is wonderful...

I started the way back to Bellavista because I was pretty exhausted from 15km in 30 degrees and so many impressions. Arriving in Bellavista, I went back to yesterday's bar (there is free wifi and shaded spots at a street intersection) and had a beer. This companion joined me :-)

Soon, I will have sushi at Etniko (recommended) and end the day before continuing tomorrow.


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