Peninsula Valdes (13.-16.10.)

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 24.10.2023

Over the October long weekend we went to Peninsula Valdes to see whales. We landed in Trelew and drove to Puerto Piramides in a rental car. We were here at Christmas about 2 years ago and got a great penguin tour just for ourselves, but there were no whales back then because it was the wrong time of year. At one hour 50 minutes the flight time is very short and in addition to the whales (Torben and Lea stayed on land, but early in the morning you could also see the whales from land) we also saw a lot of seals, elephant seals, penguins and guanacos. All in all it was a successful weekend. Our accommodation in Puerto Piramides, the small village from where the whale tours start, was also nice. However, I couldn't take a shower because the water came out of the wall after I tried to use the shower once. But whatever, we were there to see whales and not for a wellness vacation. Our flight was supposed to leave at midday on Monday, but unfortunately it was postponed until the evening the day before. We were then able to extend the rental car for a few more hours, but a nasty surprise awaited us at the airport. When we got there, the departure was pushed back further and further because somehow they had forgotten to maintain the planes or there weren't enough planes, etc. At some point we were able to get something to eat at the airline's expense, but the flight went only at midnight. The children were exhausted, Lea had received her nausea pills far too early (she had spit up several times on the flight out) and everyone was pretty stressed. At least Lea slept the entire flight, Torben sat much further back in the plane with the other two. When we arrived in Buenos Aires I almost couldn't wake Lea up and she definitely didn't want to get off the plane but rather sleep on the plane... But we still managed it and we were in Buenos Aires at 2 in the morning and home at 3.15. The kids stayed home the next day but my alarm went off at 6...Despite the somewhat stressful journey home, it was a great weekend and we saw lots of animals...


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