Day 2. On the ferry

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 22.07.2017

After parking and securing my bike, it was time to repack. What do I need for a 30-hour crossing? I had already thought about this in advance. Since I not only want to ride motorcycles but also hike (hence motorcycle hiking), I have a backpack with me. I filled it with everything I thought I would need. During the crossing, you cannot access your vehicle. Toiletries, cameras, iPad, charger, power bank in case there is no outlet within reach, jeans, shoes, jacket, sweater, hat, and the Iceland travel guide... the bag is quite heavy.

My plan was to deposit the backpack along with the motorcycle pants and boots in one of the lockers. They are available, but of course, you need a coin that is bite-resistant. 10 DKK, about 1.35€, per opening. So it would be expensive to retrieve things in between. That's why I decided to only store the motorcycle pants and boots.

I discarded my initial idea of booking a single cabin after studying the price list. For the price, you should get shares in the ship. As an alternative, I booked a bunk bed in a 6-person cabin. Located on the lowest deck without a window, probably below the waterline. However, it is only 10% of the cabin price. Besides, I will spend most of my time on deck anyway, I like fresh air.

After familiarizing myself with the ship's facilities, I went to the top deck, found a nice spot, and waited for the ferry to depart with a beer in hand. 55 DKK for half a liter of beer... you can do that. Let's remember, 10 DKK = 1.35€, so 55 DKK = 7.42€. The server wasn't even pretty, and he didn't have big breasts either.

...and off it goes
...and off it goes
At 4:00 PM, it was time to cast off and head out to sea. The weather is quite decent, with light clouds and a few rays of sunshine here and there.

I was starting to get hungry, after having only a makeshift breakfast, I hadn't had solid food anymore. And a beer doesn't really fill you up. The idea of booking dinner along with the trip turned out to be a good one. The advantage: a reserved table and the payment made long before the trip. What was on offer? A buffet... plenty of choices and everything delicious. Appetizer, main course, second main course, and dessert, all with a view of the passing Norwegian coast. Life is beautiful.

With a coffee, which is available for 21 DKK, I am back on deck, writing this text and leisurely smoking a cigarillo.

At this point, a tip for all cigarillo smokers, bring enough of these tobacco sticks with you. They are not available on board.

So far, I have always forgotten something when traveling, but this time I was sure that I had thought of everything... you can be deceived.

উত্তর (4)

Na, das geht ja gut los! ;) Dann man Tau, aber lass lieber die Finger von den Saftschubsen..... XD Aber keine zollfreien Rauchwaren? Is ja eher untypisch, für so ne Fähre, oder gabs nur keine Cigarillos??? Und hoffentlich haste angenehme Kabinenkollegen! Ich drück weiterhin die Daumen! Bis bald!

Du hast einen schönen Schreibstil - ich freue mich schon auf deinen nächsten Eintrag. Take care

Ich wünsche dir viel Spass...und wer braucht schon Bier ;) das mit den kippen ist schon blöd....und immer schön bilder posten, nöch.

Klasse geschrieben, freue mich schon auf die Fortsetzungen ;-)