Koh Phangan: Dec 23, 2018 - Jan 7, 2019 (Part 1)

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 28.12.2018

As I feared, the yoga retreat in the middle of the jungle was too spiritual for my taste. When we arrived, I felt uncomfortable and we were practically the only guests, which made the atmosphere even gloomier. The owner of the retreat, who was also a yoga teacher and cook, is named Sascha and moved from Russia to Thailand a few months ago. He was very friendly, but we were completely out of sync.

The first yoga class on Monday was a pretty strange but also funny experience. Right at the beginning, Sascha made it clear that this type of yoga is not about flexibility and strength, but rather about becoming one with consciousness. The traditional yoga that Sascha practices actually comes from India and can hardly be compared to the Western, modern yoga that most of us know. The exercises were therefore spiritual and included, among other things, speaking mantras. After each exercise, he would say (in his strange English): Just observe, what's happening with you and what's happening with your body? Just observe... The only thing I felt in my body was the suppression of my laughter.

For breakfast, there were only fruits and spinach smoothies, and over time I even became a little "hangry". Sascha apparently knew exactly what was wrong with me and therefore suggested that I fast for a whole day to get rid of the bad bacteria in my body. I wasn't up for that. At least we still got homemade flatbread for lunch ;)

Unfortunately, the bungalow was built in a way that allowed all sorts of insects and animals to visit. Geckos were our allies, mosquitoes were our enemies. Without a mosquito net, I probably would have had 300 instead of "only" 30 bites on my body. Spiders and cockroaches also felt very comfortable in our room, but at least they left us alone.

From 8 nights, we only stayed for 2 and escaped to a beach resort in the northwest of the island just in time for Christmas, where you can admire breathtaking sunsets! There are also many cozy cafes and restaurants nearby (with many vegan options) and you automatically feel comfortable. You have peace on the beach. It feels absolutely right to stay here for another 9 days.

Whether Josephine will make it to Koh Phangan on December 31st is up in the air. She arrives at Koh Samui Airport at 4:30 PM and has 1 hour to get to the other side of the island, where the last ferry to Koh Phangan departs, during rush hour. Let's just say it's within the realm of possibility. It would be nice to slide into the new year together with my best friend! Think positive :)

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Simon Andrea

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