Day 132 Kalbarri coast part 2

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 21.10.2022

After a walking day, time for a coast & beach day: Kalbarri coastline has a few more lookouts and beaches to visit. We started at Pot Alley Lookout. The views on the layered coastline were great - the beach however did look too tempting, especially as it was very windy. There were some wildflowers on the rocks, but pretty tiny ones. Stuart had to stay in the car the whole day because the winds would have blown him away.

Pot Alley Lookout
Pot Alley Lookout
Pot Alley
Pot Alley
Pot Alley - smal wildflowers in the wind
Pot Alley - smal wildflowers in the wind

We drove on to the Rainbow Valley Lookout. Not sure, why it got this name, but you can see where in former time the sea levels was and how the stones and ground looked like.

Rainbow Valley Lookout
Rainbow Valley Lookout
Sea level in former times at Rainbow Valley
Sea level in former times at Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley

The next stop is Mushroom Rock Lookout. Well, one can imagine this rock looks like a mushroom, but the other lookouts on the coast were more interesting. At least there were some wildflowers on the walk.

Mushroom Rock
Mushroom Rock

The most favourite name for lookouts seems to be Red Bluff, so of course also Kalbarri has its Red Bluff Lookout. Already at the car park it is very windy and when you walk to the lookout the wind increases, so you almost get the impression to be blown off the cliffs. The short walk and the great views on the reddish cliffs were worth the fight against the wind.

Red Bluff Lookout
Red Bluff Lookout
Red Bluff Lookout
Red Bluff Lookout

The last lookout or beach for the day, which is already located at the border of the town of Kalbarri: Chinaman´s beach. It is a short walk from one of the carparks nearby to a small lookout, from which you can see the beach of Kalbarri as well as the small way for boats out on the sea. The beach is pretty empty, with only a few people on one side where the winds are not too strong. In this area the wildflowers also grow better and bigger

Chinaman´s beach
Chinaman´s beach
Chinaman´s beach
Chinaman´s beach
Chinaman´s beach
Chinaman´s beach


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