Trip to Canada + first day

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 30.01.2024

My departure day started with me waking up with a cold that would only get worse in the near future. So after I got up at 6:45 we went to the airport and I said goodbye to mom and dad, got on the plane through security etc. and flew off and watched 3 films over the next 11 hours. However, when it came to landing, I suddenly got a very bad headache that kept getting worse. It was probably because I couldn't equalize the pressure due to my cold. However, the headache remained even after landing. I then landed in Vancouver, went to the gate, ate something and waited 5 hours for my connecting flight, constantly hoping that the headache would go away, but it only did after a few hours. 10 minutes before boarding started, I got a nosebleed from constantly blowing my nose. That was a shock at first, but in the end I made it onto the flight on time and the message from the pilot that the plane might have to turn back to Vancouver due to the weather didn't matter in the end, as we still landed in Victoria relatively on time. I then picked up my luggage and met Indi (host mother) who picked me up from the airport. On the drive home we talked and discussed the rules and procedures in the house. I got there, but due to my physical condition I didn't interact much with the rest of the family, but went to bed early after eating pizza and being awake for almost 25 hours straight. I woke up several times during the night and the next morning the headache was back again. I spent most of the day in bed today so I wouldn't infect anyone. However, in the afternoon I went for a walk with Yuma (one of the other two guest students). The rest of the day I just chilled. In the evening Sanjiv (host father) showed us the bus route that we would take to school. Tomorrow is the first orientation event and school really starts on Thursday

উত্তর (8)

Toller Beitrag und gute Besserung!

Das war ja schon ganz schön viel an Erlebnissen. Gute Besserung!

Ich hoffe das deine körperliche Verfassung sich bald bessert, dann wird das ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. LG Opa

Jannik! Danke für Deine Berichte. Du wirst sicher noch ganz viel Spass haben und tolle Einblicke bekommen!

Hauptsache es geht bergauf 🥴

Gute Besserung und liebe Grüße . Opa

Das ist ja wahnsinnig,was Du alles schon erlebt hast, und Du kannst Dich auch gut ausdrücken!Auch von mir gute Besserung und schön fleißig schreiben bitte. ✍️ Lieben Gruß Reni

Schnelle und gute Besserung, Jannik! Bin gespannt, wie es dir in der Schule gefällt! LG Karin

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