easy peasy kiwi squeezy
easy peasy kiwi squeezy

The fat days are over

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 31.10.2016

And the days when you had time to write a new Easy-Peasy-Kiwi-Squeezy entry (almost) every day! We have been in Auckland for three days now and at the moment we still feel a little overwhelmed. After our plane finally arrived and we had already grown gray beards from waiting (or rather Richard finally grew a beard and mine turned gray), we tried to find some peace and sleep - not so easy in an airplane (no matter how much we looked, we just couldn't find it!). We were also still very spoiled by all the little extras that Sri Lankan Airlines offered us. Well, water was also served on AirAsia, but it was quite expensive there (AirAsia can't hold a candle to SriLankan when it comes to water... ha... ha...).

After the sixteen-hour flight, when we finally got through all the arrival paperwork and the 'Biosecurity' (where, among other things, they checked whether we had any plant or animal matter of any kind for possible religious rituals or something), we found ourselves completely confused at Auckland Airport. Tiiiija. Where to now? Fortunately, there was Wi-Fi there (ah yes, Wi-Fi... but more on that later) and we found directions on the hostel website. So off to the Airbus. Apparently, the bus system in Auckland is just as mysterious as the one in Singapore (it's all a huge conspiracy!) and we had to get a flyer to finally get off at the wrong stop. After asking around for a while, we finally found it, the 'Frienz Backpacker'.

After the short time we've been here, we can already say this: totally overpriced! $28 per person for a 12-bed room - after a Skype call with Anton and Richard, we learned that there is a 4-bed room at the youth hostel for that price...

Also, we don't have Wi-Fi (as announced on the website). That means, there is Wi-Fi, but of course it costs (and not a little) and there are a few outdated and Skype-unable computers in the dining room. That's why we currently spend a lot of time at the nearby Starbucks and the city library (on Richard's and Anton's wise advice), because there are power outlets and Wi-Fi AND it's also very cozy. In our defense: we always buy a muffin! The city library became even more sympathetic to me (us) when we discovered a table that specifically presented some books from the 'Gilmore Girls' series. Or books that were read or mentioned in the series. And there are quite a few of them (339 to be exact)! They were listed alphabetically on a displayed list, which I immediately took with me (honestly, who goes to such trouble???)...

But now back to the hostel. The atmosphere here is a bit (!) strange... Although twelve people sleep together in a dormitory (and some of these people even know each other), NO ONE talks to each other here. And you don't even get greeted in the hallway. Everything is very tense. Somehow, three groups seem to have formed here. The ones who have joined larger groups or who travel in larger groups and cook together, talk loudly (mostly French or Spanish) or smoke together. Then there is the faction that sits silently and depressed staring at the TV and willingly watches American educational TV. And then there are a few individuals who try to stay away from the hostel for as long as possible during the day. We definitely belong to the latter group. Today, when a few newcomers checked in, I tried to give them an encouraging smile (which probably looked rather pitying). Despite everything, we have settled in somewhat here (at least we can find our room without difficulties and we now know how to use the washing machines - which are, of course, NOT free). According to Richard and Anton, it doesn't always have to be like this... that gives us hope.

Auckland itself seems quite shabby to us after glamorous Singapore. All the city's garbage cans seem to have become victims of a gum-spit-competition, the goal of which was NOT to hit the trash can. Really sad... Also, for some reason, someone is constantly screaming.

But there have also been beautiful moments so far. For example, watching the fishermen at the harbor fishing or watching the (really funny) superhero movie 'Doctor Strange' with Benedict Cumberbatch.

So far, we have mainly spent our days organizing things (getting a cell phone contract, trying to get a bank account, planning trips, etc.). Tomorrow, we will take a tour across Auckland (there will finally be new pictures), which we found in a travel magazine. And for the rest of the week, we want to go on trips to the beach and to the nearby islands.

In any case, we want to get away from here as soon as possible, wish us luck...

Until then, Richard and Maggi, 31.10.2016, 7:33 PM Auckland

উত্তর (1)

Na dann Kopf hoch und optimistisch bleiben ... das wird sich schon Einränken ...

ভ্রমণ রিপোর্ট নিউজিল্যান্ড