<p>Oahu, Hawaii (i)</p>

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 15.10.2019

Sun 06.10. Just because it was Sunday we allowed ourselves the luxury of sleeping a little longer and then we left, with a cup of coffee and muffin, to give us the energy to face the new adventure of visiting Manoa Falls. After a short walk in the rainforest, we reached our goal and took some photos. Unfortunately, swimming was not allowed here, which would have been a refreshing experience. So, without further ado, we decided to go to the beach. We chose Sunset Beach. Our apartment is located in Northshore. Here in the north, the beaches are generally known as the ideal place for surfing. So we let the waters of the ocean caress our feet while we watched the surfers ride the waves from our beach towels. At sunset, we looked for a restaurant nearby and chose to have dinner with a sea view, enjoying fresh and succulent mussels and ribs. I would say it was a beautiful and relaxing day.

Tue 08.10. This morning we drove to Halewia. It is a small village by the sea, with many shops and typical places. Here we had breakfast and now we are ready for our first surfing lesson. When we arrived at the beach, we immediately put on UV protection shirts. The instructor explained the rules to follow and then showed us the correct procedure to be able to stand up on the surfboard. We repeated this procedure several times until we gained the necessary confidence to surf. So we entered the water with our boards and tried to ride the waves. Going from the beach to the sea, trying and trying among the waves to paddle, was very tiring but fun and thrilling.

Wed 09.10. Unfortunately, the alarm clock was interrupted by an email notification informing us that our next accommodation (Airbnb) reservation was canceled due to water supply problems. ☹ So I had to quickly book a hotel room. At 09:00 we headed to the harbor. We were warmly welcomed by the captain and his crew. Our group consisted of only 8 people. Before setting sail, safety instructions were given and the rules were explained to the group. Then we sailed for 15 minutes in open water, and then... suddenly!... Sharks! There were at least twenty specimens. Immediately we put on masks and fins and jumped into the water. There was no way we were going to miss this adrenaline-filled marine spectacle. From the moment we entered the water, they surrounded us. It was simply fantastic to be able to see them up close. What I felt in the water is difficult to put into words. A wonderful and intense experience, one that made me feel alive from head to toe! Incredible, majestic, fascinating. I felt fear being beside them, reverential awe, but happily satisfied. This was absolutely one of the best snorkeling tours we have ever experienced.

Thu 10.10. Today is the first day of the four of us. Our friends Marie and Claudio joined us from Switzerland. Today's journey includes a hike on the Koko Crater Railway Trailhead. The trail is made up of old railway tracks and over 1000 large steps. The hill was used as a lookout during World War II. Once at the top, you have a wonderful view of Honolulu and the surrounding beaches. Unfortunately, for health reasons, it was not possible for Claudio and me to climb to the top. Silvan and Marie didn't give up and were rewarded with a view of a sublime panorama, but unfortunately they also got a nice sunburn. We happily spent the afternoon together in Hanuma Bay, swimming and snorkeling.

Fri 11.10. While still in Switzerland, we decided to visit the private nature reserve Kualoa Ranch. That's why we booked a four-person buggy tour for today. For more than two hours, we drove through the park and admired the rainforest and many waterfalls. The tour guide told us about the many events and curiosities that have taken place in the park's valleys and their owners. We also saw some film sets. For example, movies like Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, Pearl Harbor, Godzilla, and Lost have been filmed here over the years.

Sat 12.10. A good day starts in the morning! Wake up at 7:30, happily surprised by the intense blue of the sky. Today there is no water activity on our agenda, but we are going to have a great experience in the air. Our helicopter sightseeing flight begins at 09:00. We fly west from Honolulu Airport. We fly over various beaches, Moana Park, all the way to Waikikibeach, then continue to Diamond Head, and beyond the skyscrapers of Honolulu. Finally, we reach Pearl Harbor. Here you can breathe the history of the famous battle between the Japanese and American naval forces. The helicopter flight was enjoyed by all four of us, and it is truly impressive to see the various attractions from the perspective of a bird.
