Chile 2. + Kreuzfahrt-Suedamerika
Chile 2. + Kreuzfahrt-Suedamerika

15.02.2024 Valdivia

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 18.02.2024

Today our 4-day trip to the central south of Chile (Region de Los Rios) began. Since the tour by bus would have taken too long, we decided to take the plane. This also means that Franziska has more time to work for the company from home. She had also arranged accommodation through Airbnb and so we went to the domestic airport very early. Since we only took hand luggage with us, there were no problems at the airport. The LATAM plane was scheduled to take off at 9:30 a.m. We sat relaxed in the well-filled waiting area for our gate. Karin was feeling a little better again and the sun was shining, so everything was fine. But then there were constant announcements, only in Spanish! Karin and I didn't understand anything, but Franziska explained to us: There was such a heavy fog in Valdivia that it was affecting visibility and delaying departure! It was not yet clear when things would continue. Passengers should stay close to the gate in order to be able to board quickly. So we sat and waited. Luckily the OK came shortly after 10:00 a.m. and the 1.5-hour flight could begin. Coffee and water were served and, as a snack, chocolate-covered popcorn. There was a lot of chaos at the rather small airport in Valdivia, as the disembarking passengers met the queues of those ready to depart in very cramped conditions. Franziska tried to arrange transport to our accommodation. Huber was not possible this time because the cars are not allowed to drive to the airport! So she got tickets for a collective taxi! These are small buses that can hold around 10 people and only leave when they are full. The three of us took care of the final filling and off we went on the journey of around 30 km!

Second, the driver dropped us off on a street where there were only well-kept single-family houses. We were on Isla Teja, which is connected to the center by a bridge not far away. A young man was already waiting for us and led us through a garage door into the small garden of the house. It was bordered on one side by the landlord's house and at right angles to it there was an extension that housed two small apartments, each over two floors. We suspect that the owners used to house their adult children here. Now a small child (grandchild?) waved to us from the house and the owner (grandma?) explained the house features and gave tips. A laminated map was ready so we quickly had a good overview. The apartment, with two bedrooms and a small kitchen-living room, was in a perfect location. All the necessary shops are within walking distance and two microbuses run (500 Ch$ = 50 cents) to the center of Valdivia!

Franziska was able to start her work straight away and we wanted to take care of the basic equipment. We found a street sale of fruit and vegetables and a well-stocked supermarket. Ideal! Our worker was missing a PC mouse and so Karin and I drove into town. A technology store was able to help us. But when we asked for the receipt, the saleswoman explained that she couldn't print one and asked for an internet address and phone number. I was surprised how Karin was able to easily give her this information in Spanish. She even had the @ = aroba!? Our adult education course probably left a few traces/vocabulary behind! Excellent! We then strolled back towards the neighborhood and found another larger market on Uferstrasse. A lot of fish and agricultural products were offered here and various small excursion steamers also set off here for tours. But the biggest surprise was sea lions lying on a pontoon in the water. They are fed by the fish sellers and tourists and enjoy the warm sun.

Once back in our "cabaña", we spread out in the garden and, just like the sea lions, enjoyed the sun and the quiet greenery! But it wasn't the tourists who took care of our food, it was Karin who conjured up a tasty dinner on two small gas burners in the small kitchen. With beer and the cooling evening temperatures, we made plans for the next day. Afterwards we went to sleep and Franziska worked in her room.


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