
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 09.12.2018

Still 4 days of travel and today. The travel days are now annoying, like everything else at the moment. But we have to hold out for the last 10 days.

Today we are going further up. To Cable Bay. Actually a journey of 3.5 hours. But since the weather is so nice, we decide to make a stop at Omaha Beach as well.

A beach with a surf club. The parking lot was already full, but the beach was crowded. Some kind of competition with, I would estimate, at least 50 little kids on surfboards. And since you always have to multiply the number of participants by at least 2 for competitions or tournaments with children, today probably even by 3, because it's Sunday, you can probably imagine what was going on there. The only nice thing was that the whole thing was over shortly after 11:00 a.m. and the beach quickly emptied. After an hour of sunbathing, Carsten after 20 minutes of swimming in the sea

and 40 minutes of sunbathing, we had enough. Besides, you should avoid the sun during the lunchtime because of the ozone hole. And that's what we want to do too, because we don't want to come back with skin cancer.

However, due to the detour, our travel time has increased to 4 hours. 4 hours through green valleys

and forested mini mountains.

Past vineyards

and cattle. Eventually we reach our new accommodation. A complex right on the beach.

We have the honeymoon suite. We stand in front of the complex kind of puzzled and don't really know where to go. After wandering around somewhat clueless for 10 minutes, our landlady finally arrived. And showed us our room.

A beautiful room with a large kitchen and huge glass fronts. Directly on the beach. Actually quite nice.

Although it's quite warm in the room due to the large glass fronts, we have an air conditioning against that. I had imagined a somewhat secluded area for a honeymoon suite. Well, sometimes imagination and reality can drift far apart. Our room is on the platter. And because today is Sunday and it is common in New Zealand that all beaches are public, there were a lot of locals in front of our terrace. "Intimacy" doesn't exist here.

But we will survive that too. Carsten takes a welcome bath first. It's too cold for me.🥶

Well, around 7:30 p.m., just in time for a barbecue, everyone disappeared.

Instead, our landlord showed up and brought us some mussels that we absolutely had to try. And they were really delicious. Then he gave us a tip on where to collect them, how to prepare them, and that we should definitely try fresh corn on the cob. And more tips. And then he also told us that it has never snowed here before and that he saw ice in the sea for the first time when he was 18 years old in Wellington. It's unimaginable that there has never been snow in this area.


ভ্রমণ রিপোর্ট নিউজিল্যান্ড

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