Magnetic Island - The Koala Island

প্রকাশিত হয়েছে: 24.09.2017

We set off to Townsville yesterday morning to conquer our next destination.

We bought a few things along the way, including a walker for Anna.

In the afternoon, we settled into our accommodation at the campground and enjoyed the amazing pool.

After dinner, Anna took her first steps on her own and walked back and forth for about an hour. We are all thrilled. 😄😆😄😄 We are emotionally touched....

We woke up early again today because we wanted to visit Magnetic Island - The Koala Island.

It is home to the largest population of koalas in Australia, with about 800 animals on around 800,000 trees.

We took the ferry to the island, where a mini-bus was waiting for us.

We explored the beautiful beaches and flora/fauna of the island.

We fed wallabies and fish, walked through a butterfly forest, and then we found what we were looking for. A eucalyptus tree where a koala mother with two joeys spent their day.

A dream come true for us! Anna was delighted and we were also thrilled to observe such amazing animals in their natural habitat.

We took an extensive lunch break at Horseshoe Beach and then visited a small research aquarium.

Then we headed back to the ferry and returned to the mainland.

We made a little detour to the amazing pool area and ended the day in a relaxed manner.

উত্তর (2)

Hi ihr 3. Australier, erstmals vielen Dank für eure tollen Reiseberichte! Es ist jedes mal aufregend die Berichte zu lesen, vor allem wenn ihr an einem Punkt seit wo ich damals vor 14 Jahren auch einen Aufenthalt gemacht habe...Erinnerungen werden wach 😎! Ich freue mich zu hören das es euch allen gut geht und vor allem das Anna ihre ersten Schritte gemacht hat, toll! Ich wünsch euch auf diesem Weg noch eine super geile Reise und weiterhin tolle Erlebnisse in Down Under. Grüße Kai

Herzlichen Glückwunsch kleine Anna! Wer braucht schon ein Lauflernrad... "Ich will Wanderschuhe, Mama und Papa!" 😁

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