
Sporty in the Argentine Switzerland

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 15.02.2018

The largest city in the Argentine Lake District is located on Nahuel Huapi, a large glacier lake in the middle of the Andes. It is beautifully situated on the lakeshore and attracts crowds of tourists in summer and winter. Due to its alpine architecture inspired by Switzerland, the deep blue lakes, and snow-capped mountains, the region is also often referred to as the Argentine Switzerland. As we stroll through the center, we pass countless chocolate shops, making our mouths water.

But the real attraction awaits us outside the center: the national park. Spectacular hikes, bike tours, and boat trips on the lakes can be enjoyed here.

To our great joy, our paths cross once again with our friend Joram from Belgium. Together, we spend the next few days with a vigorous sports program: day hikes up to the mountain peaks, breathtaking views from the ski resort, and bike rides around the lakes. I have never cycled so much uphill and downhill before, not a single stretch of the route was flat.
