Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

My oldest dives alone in Yap

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 17.12.2023


I just want to check in with you from time to time so that you know that we still exist. Everything went a little differently than planned because my oldest got pretty sick after 2.5 days of diving.

I pay attention

Since then she has spent most of her time lying in bed.

In bed...

Of course I couldn't do too much about it. Because I kept her company while my oldest went diving during the day. It's definitely less fun for him alone. However, my oldest wanted to at least see the pictures of what she was missing.

Dive site "Vertigo": great visibility and cool sharks
Blacktip reef shark

And lots and lots of manta rays...! Four or five at once from very close and for a very long time. And because the manta rays have basically made themselves at home there and are always there, they also call the dive site a “regulars’ table”.


Well, we hope that this strange virus leaves them alone soon. It's exciting that these viruses are so tiny - even I'm a real giant in comparison - and that they can be so annoying at the same time. What do I learn from this? Size doesn't matter!

Furry nose support

Luckily there is a cat in the house who also takes great care of my oldest. Or she just likes having someone lying around to pet her. Either way, it's a win-win situation.


My oldest and I spend most of our time in the room at the moment.

Luckily we have a balcony
Actually a nice view

But I think that my oldest would much rather see the sea from underwater and can't really enjoy the view with me. I don't take it personally. I can understand her well. Hopefully she'll be well again soon. In any case, here in Yap there won't be any more diving for them. Tomorrow we fly back to Palau.

We'll be there until after Christmas. I'll be in touch again to let you know what's going on.

Until then, warm greetings from Travis the Buddy Bear

Jaabi (3)

Lieber Travis, das ist aber nicht so schön. Das mit Deiner Großen und dem Virus 🤒. Wie gut, dass Du ihr Gesellschaft leistest. Pass aber gut auf, dass Du Dich nicht auch ansteckst! Erzähl ihr doch ein paar Geschichten. Denk Dir einfach was aus. Das lenkt sie ab! Und sing Lieder für sie! Und kuschel mit ihr,... Ach, Du wirst schon wissen, was Du tun kannst, um sie zu unterstützen 😉. Ich sende ihr von hier aus ganz liebe Genesungswünsche 🙌🙌🙌. Herzlichst Deine Marita 😘😘😘

Ohjehhhh, wie doof.. jetzt hast du gerade tauchen gelernt, und dann macht euch so ein doofes Virus einen Strich durch die Rechnung (obwohl das ja eigentlich nichts mit Rechnen zu tun hat...🤔🤔) Hoffentlich geht es deiner Großen bald wieder besser 🌺🌺🍀🍀 Kannst du ihr bitte eine Umarmung und gaaaanz liebe Grüße von mir weiterleiten, lieber Travis? Ich hoffe ich darf bald wieder neue tolle Abenteuer mit dir miterleben 🥰💕

Liebe Marlies, liebe Marita, ich habe meiner Großen Eure guten Wünsche und Umarmungen weitergeleitet. Jetzt geht's ihr schon wieder besser. Wie das immer alles wirkt! Schon toll. Und ehrlich gesagt glaube ich, dass ich nicht krank werden kann so wie sie. Ich kann mir das Fell einreißen und solche Sachen. Aber ein Virus kann mir wohl eher nix - hoffe ich zumindest.

Mikronɛzi jamanaw ka jɛkuluba
Taama rapɔɔriw Mikronɛzi jamanaw ka jɛkuluba