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Auf dem Weg nach Shanghai

Phuy My Port trip to Vung Tau

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 23.03.2017

This port is about 100 km from Ho Chi Minh City, but since we have been there before, this time we booked a trip to Vung Tau. It is a city predominantly for tourists with many hotels and other attractions. We also visited some of them. Everything is new and therefore has less culture. It is mainly a seaside resort for tourists from the nearby city of Saigon. Agriculture is less here, although we visited rice fields in detail. It is interesting how small the latest breeds have become. Of course, you also come across Buddhism at every corner, and various things are of great interest to us. In the end, we walked through a market where we couldn't buy anything because there were only food items, but it was still very interesting for us. Although we couldn't have a conversation, the people were all very friendly, so we still made some nice contacts. One more note about my, there are often small spelling mistakes, but they are not caused by me but by Siri. Please forgive me.

Our tour guide spoke good German because he had built Trabants in the GDR for many years and always spoke about that time.

Jaabi (2)

Na, das beruhigt mich aber, ich hatte doch schon arge Zweifel und konnte mir die auffälligen Fehler nicht so richtig erklären😉! Da kommt eben immer noch der Pauker durch😜! Wir lesen und schauen immer sehr interessiert, auch wenn wir nicht immer kommentieren! Es sind doch wieder für euch viele tolle Eindrücke und einsam seid ihr ja auch nicht! So ist auch für Unterhaltung gesorgt! Wir wünschen weiter viel Freude und wir sind neugierig auf alles, was es zu lesen gibt! Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem heute auch sehr frühlingshaften Woltersdorf 🤗

Vom Autobauer zum Reiseleiter. Die Welt ist stetig im Wechsel. Es ist wirklich verrückt. Diese bunten Bilder. Toll toll toll!!!