Goodbye, Gifu :)

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 09.06.2017

First of all, I'm really sorry for not writing anything for so long. School life is just not exciting enough :) But now school is finished and I have to admit, although it was a bit boring at the beginning, the last two weeks were really wonderful. I even got a class photo.

As a final celebration, today I went to a barbecue grill with friends from my class and then did some classic karaoke singing. :D The food was super delicious. And I even ate grilled chicken hearts. Sounds disgusting, but tastes unexpectedly great :)

Karaoke singing in Japan is not like singing in front of strangers on a stage like we do. In Japan, you rent a karaoke box and sing with friends. Since I didn't know 99.99% of the Japanese songs, I mostly sang English ones. And of course, 99 Luftballons! That's a must in any karaoke bar! :D

Tomorrow morning I'll pack and then I'm off to Osaka! Then there will be beautiful pictures again :D

Jaabi (1)

Na dann viel Spaß in Osaka und pass gut auf deine kleine Cousine auf, sie spricht kein japanisch. LG Moni Seb.
