
Last full day at Shamwari

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 22.11.2019

Today was already our last full day at the Shamwari Game Resort. It went like before, at 5:00 am the WakeUp Call came, then we met with Jason, Kevin and Yvette in the main house for morning tea.

Then we went on Game Drive 4, we drove to the south to look for and see leopards, but somehow the animals also had Friday and had to prepare for the weekend. Except for a few zebras, a few springboks and impalas, there was nothing to see. There were jackals in one place, they were nervous and there was also a bit of a smell of meat/prey, but despite intensive searching and watching, we couldn't find anything.

We drove to a hill for a break and enjoyed the drinking chocolate or tea. Suddenly we saw a lioness with two cubs below us, everything was packed together immediately and we got back into the vehicle. We started to follow them and could still get a few good views of the mother with her cubs.

Then we went back to the lodge and breakfast was calling.

In the afternoon we were all ready in time again and so we left with Jason before 4:00 pm. Still looking for the leopard, the path led us to the south of the resort. Unfortunately, neither the leopard nor the rhinos showed up. But when we drove over a hill, we saw a herd of water buffaloes in front of us. When we were on our way to the drinks, suddenly we saw two full-grown male lions (probably a pair of brothers who share everything together).

Then it was announced over the radio that the leopard had been sighted, right where we had been looking for him earlier, so we gave up the drinks and went back to see the leopard.

On the way there, we see a giraffe, then 3 rhinos and then we arrive at the point where the leopard is taking a nap. After that, we make our way back to the lodge and suddenly we see 6 hippos sunning themselves on the riverbank. Later we see a herd of giraffes (about 20 in number) which seem to be having an after-work party near the Lee Manor house.

Satisfied and with many impressions, we arrive at the lodge at 8:00 pm (one hour late).


Afiriki tilebinyanfan fɛ
Taama rapɔɔriw Afiriki tilebinyanfan fɛ