To the right you see - to the left you see

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 28.06.2018

Early bird catches the 3rd. - aaaand action:

Damn it - turned off the alarm clock....whatever! TODAY we're going there!!! And since the weather forecast keeps changing for the next days, better go today with good weather. So get out of bed and raise the blinds....wait a minute...what about the good weather?! This morning it definitely had potential to improve.

Sun? Hello?
Sun? Hello?

So the coffee and breakfast were a bit shorter accordingly. Arrival should be at 1 pm, 4 hours of walking, then on the way back through St. Brieuc, have something to eat there....should be alright!

That being said, we already found ourselves on the way to the Emerald Coast. First 'quickly' refueling for the 120 km. And she inserted the card and waited....and waited...and waited....and waited....and stared at the pinpad for 5 minutes until the card had apparently successfully made a call to Germany and I could start driving.....If I had known that, I would have joined the line and Skyped or something.

So - now really off. It was almost noon already! The car ride was rather uneventful so far, except for the fact that the navigation system apparently thought - the narrower the country roads, the better. Really, I'm not a nervous driver but at some point I was just praying that no one would come in the opposite direction (there were only 3 cars....ohhhh that was close....). Unfortunately, my bladder reminded me once again. In the middle of nowhere. So I jumped into the field quickly. Good thing I don't have hay fever (attention: irony) and didn't sit in a nest of grasshoppers, all crawling into my pants. It was a very busy experience....

Afterwards, we continued towards the Cape. The road there was quite nice:

When we arrived there, everything fell out of my face when the parking lot sign said that I had to pay 15 € for parking here. Are they crazy??? 15 €? I could rent a whole garage with that!!!! It's just stupid that 'buses' are called 'cars' here and even with Teewurst in tow, I definitely don't look like a bus. So it was only 3€ then.

The starting point was Cap Fréhel.

The Cape
The Cape

From here, we were supposed to go to Fort la Latte. The two sights are connected again by the customs officer's path GR34. By now, we are quite familiar with the path, so it didn't surprise me that: 1.) it went RIGHT past the cliffs, if Teewurst had slipped once - goodnight. 2.) there were sometimes such narrow passages that you had to let the oncoming tourists pass first. 3.) it went over hill and dale. I checked my phone three times in between and, accordingly, almost had a heart attack three times. Good thing I stumbled into the arms of tourists. 4.) moorland, fern landscape, desert, precipices and normal footpaths crowded each other. But what can I say? Scenic views that can't be topped. An absolute dream. The Cape on the left and the Fort la Latte on the right. Otherwise, a green cliff coast, sandy beaches, and turquoise sea as far as the eye can see. A lot of photos follow.... ;)

Don't step, Teewurst....
GR34 - as varied as always
GR34 - as varied as always
GR34 ;)
GR34 ;)
The goal: Fort la latte
The goal: Fort la latte
When we arrived at the castle, I was already looking forward to a coffee and my daily reading break. So we went down to the castle. Suddenly, to the left of me, like out of nowhere, Quasimodo's great-grandmother shouted at me. Until I recovered from the shock and the tinnitus had subsided, I had also understood what the elderly lady wanted from me. To go down to the castle, one had to pay. So I wondered if there was at least a café down there. No! Well, sorry then, the castle can remain a castle but I've already seen enough old stones (you just had to take a closer look at the lady in the ticket booth....) so we turned on our heels and climbed up the mountain in the opposite direction. By now, even a bench would have been enough.

It was really warm and the jeans made me sweat in places that were really uncomfortable. (I'm talking about my legs - I can't stand sweating on my legs....gross noooo....) Well, all the benches were occupied, so the next higher flowerbed would do. In times of need, demands diminish rapidly. There I discovered a crêperie on Googlemaps very close by! Awesome! That's all I was looking for. So off we went. Final spurt! Just 200 m left! Teewurst and I were already sharing the water bottle by now, because both of us had our tongues hanging out and unfortunately, we both have to drink. When we arrived at the crêperie, I ordered a large cola, a cappuccino, and a scoop of salted caramel ice cream. The waitress asked me in which order I would like the order to be brought. Apparently, my questioning look was enough. (Order? I was thirsty, wanted coffee and ice cream...what kind of order is there to consider? No, the thirst can wait for half an hour, the emergency services in the meantime, I won't need anything to drink until then....) For the scoop of ice cream, you only had to pay 2.90€ there! But I treated myself. I had already refueled quite cheaply this morning....for that I got Nivus the most beautiful water bowl including a treat. That soothed me again.

Most expensive ice cream on this planet....
Most expensive ice cream on this planet....
Luxury for Teewurst
Luxury for Teewurst
The old lady had to go to the bathroom again...this time it was too tight for two...
The old lady had to go to the bathroom again...this time it was too tight for two...

After an extensive reading break, we then made our way back to the parking lot. Since - as mentioned before - I don't go the same way twice, we ended up on a main road again on the way back. Somehow, Nivus didn't feel like walking on the grass strip at the edge and kept pushing me more and more onto the road. Great. Pushed in front of a car by my own dog. After 40 minutes through scorching hot moorland, we finally arrived back at the car.

On the way back, I didn't want to stop in St. Brieuc to eat. The city itself is quite nice and we strolled through the city center a bit, but I didn't take any photos here (except of the food). I just wanted to stroll around without having my phone in my hand. Today the motto was 'Menu' on my to-do list. After the starter, I briefly considered begging the waiter to let me quit here. It was so rich that I was full afterwards. The starter was really good and the scallops for the main course as well. However, the 'risotto' was lightly seasoned rice pudding...Two courses later, Teewurst only dragged me to the car and I was glad not to be the passenger on the drive back. With the serpentine roads, the food would have left my body after 5 minutes...

Main course
Main course

And now to the absolute 'my world is falling apart', 'what should never have happened has happened', 'my world view is shattered' I read something about sturdy footwear for the tour. Well, all beginners. I'm married to my Chucks and, as I said, I do E V E R Y T H I N G (!!!!) with them. Today I even met a hiker using them <3 But what did I realize on the way back???????? After 30 years, I actually ended up with a blister IN my Chucks!!!! Are you kidding me??? It must have been the socks but hello?? I'm just speechless, world is turned upside down.....cheers to that with a glass of Cidre from a PET bottle and off to bed.

Good night!

Jaabi (1)

Was für eine schöne Landschaft, tolle Fotos, klasse geschrieben, ich freu mich auf mehr.
