
Hobbiton here we come!!

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 07.04.2018


I can only say it was fantastic...

We had to check in at the reception 30 minutes before. Then we were picked up by a bus that took us to the filming location. We were divided into 2 groups and given a tour of the film location.

The tour was super interesting and you could take lots of pictures as you can see :D

Afterwards, we all met at the Dragon Inn and were greeted with Hobbit cider or Hobbit beer. After a short time, we had to all gather together and after a battle cry, we were allowed to enter the dining room. Where everything was already set up. I'm telling you, there was simply everything. From various side dishes like potato dumplings, mushrooms, salads, mashed potatoes to chicken, salmon, beef stew, bread, just everything and it was soooo delicious... After that, you could put on Hobbit costumes and play bartender behind the bar, while everything was being cleaned up in the dining room for dessert. And yes, there were really delicious things again.! Then it was time to go back. Of course, the event was in the evening and it was already dark, which is why each couple was given a lantern. On the way to the bus, we made a stop at the fairground where Bilbo Baggins celebrates his birthday in the film. We formed a circle, sang Hobbit songs, danced and laughed. It was done so well and we had amazing guides. The evening was 10000 percent worth it. I would do it again anytime. It's a shame that you're not allowed inside the houses. I would have loved to stay there. They even grow their own fruits and vegetables there and there is even a competition every year for who has grown the biggest pumpkin. And the pumpkins are huge!!!
