Tag 89 - herb

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 01.08.2019


After a much more restful sleep, we join the others in the courtyard. They make us coffee and omelette. Another local is playing the ukulele, creating such a beautiful atmosphere. After breakfast, we doze off in the room for a while, then hop on our bikes and ride around the entire island - even with an ice cream break, it takes less than an hour. We notice that the west coast is quieter and less developed, but also more expensive.

Back at the starting point of our ride, we find a beach bar and lounge in bean bags with a beer and a stunning view of the sea.

We ride back to the camp and spend the rest of the afternoon there. As the evening approaches, we start to feel hungry. Since we've already cycled a lot today and the distances are not far, we decide to walk. We go to the restaurant where we had an iced coffee on the first day on the island. Jonna gets Nasi Campur (remember: rice topped with various dishes from a buffet), and I order chicken with rice. Once again, the sauce with the chicken is extremely spicy, and once again, I'm too stubborn to give it up. But this time, I can handle the spiciness with a cola and use napkins to control my runny nose. It was delicious - worth it!

Since the paths here are only occasionally illuminated by shops and food stalls and have no street lights, we arm ourselves with a flashlight and walk back. Along the way, we enjoy the beautiful sight of the starry sky. When we arrive at the camp, it's completely empty - it seems like everyone has gone back to the beach for some music. Jonna goes to the room, and I take the opportunity to grab the guitar and play a little for myself. When I realize that I'm being bitten by mosquitoes, I retreat to the room.

- Alex


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