When the lavender blooms

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 20.06.2024

Paul Cézanne has painted a series of famous pictures of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire, which hang in many renowned museums around the world. They are views of the imposing massif from Aix-en-Provence. But it also has a back side that is no less impressive. Pure nature, and quite a lot of it. In the middle lies a picturesque village with a somewhat cumbersome name: Vauvenargues. And just after that towards Aix, we come across the first lavender fields. While the broom bloom soon comes to an end, the lavender begins to bloom in mid/late June and will shape the image of Provence with its violet color and aromatic scent well into August. Meanwhile, the cicadas have also become active everywhere.


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