Amalfi Coast

Апублікавана: 05.04.2017

One week of beach, relaxation, and laziness - no way - not with us.

Our plan

One week of hiking in Italy. More precisely, on the Amalfi Coast.

We fly to Naples. From there, it's about 1.5 hours by rental car across Naples towards the coast.

Good thing we only wanted to hike there. For us Germans, or rather Berliners, the traffic in Italy is quite a challenge and causes the first beads of sweat to form on our foreheads, despite the air conditioning.

Our home base, also known as accommodation, was in the peaceful Pogerola. Much quieter and more relaxed than the lively coastal town of Amalfi with its hordes of tourists.

The trails

From Maiori to Amalfi - walking time approx. 4 hours

Valle delle Ferriere - walking time approx. 6 hours

Valle die Mulini - walking time approx. 3 hours

Amalfi Panorama Trail - walking time approx. 3 hours

Ravello -> Pogerola - walking time approx. 4 hours

All the trails are easily passable. Narrow paths, rocky ascents, or shaded paths, there's always something different. Each of the listed hiking trails had its own charm and challenge. Our favorite: ???

However, trail markings are quite rare. The Rother hiking guide has been very helpful in orienting ourselves. Occasionally, we also guessed correctly.


Our travel time, August, is quite sporty. The sun still has a lot of power and the temperatures can easily rise above 30 degrees. There are shady sections that provide some cooling, but all hikes are blessed with plenty of ascents and descents. This increases our water consumption. To "force" ourselves to drink, we took a short drinking break every kilometer - a good decision.


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