
In December in the Pacific

Nəşr edilmişdir: 10.12.2016

Outside the window, the snow (rain) is falling while I sit inside and should actually be studying for my second-to-last exam. But this process is put on hold for now. Instead, I'm taking the time to tell you what this mysterious title is all about.

As announced, we were in Tofino from Tuesday to Wednesday. Road trip with four guys - what could be better? At 10 o'clock in the morning, we picked up the rental car, then picked up our fourth man before heading west. Having the rental car equipped with winter tires turned out to be a wise decision, as it was, to put it mildly, damn slippery.

The breakfast, consisting of a chocolate Santa Claus and a cola, was devoured before the first stop. We made our first stop at the Little Qualicum Falls. As the name suggests, it is a waterfall in a picturesque forest. The powdered sugar-like snow on the branches rounded off the beauty of this place. And the next stops were real hits as well. Especially the sunset on a beach just before Tofino was a real highlight, making our trip worthwhile just because of the drive there.

For the night, we organized a room with two bunk beds in a nice hostel. It felt like a class trip when, at two minutes past eleven (two minutes after the beginning of the curfew), the lights were still on and we entertained each other with stories from our lives.

The next morning, we set off early again. The hot springs were the destination. Our captain maneuvered the boat over the rough waves of the Pacific while we admired the beauty of the surrounding islands under a blue sky.

After about two hours of driving, we reached our destination island and, after another half-hour walk, we finally arrived at the hot springs. A lagoon of rocks and hot water. It only needed a few mermaids to make it a perfect fantasy paradise. The initially peculiar smell of sulfur was quickly forgotten as we settled into the warm bubbling waters. Simply wonderful, even though I wouldn't have minded a cold beer or a piña colada. Instead, we cooled off a few meters down at the beach in the Pacific. Damn, it was cold. But fortunately, we could quickly return to the warm embrace of the hot springs afterwards. And hey: On December 7, 2016, I went swimming in the Pacific. Not everyone can say that.

But all good things come to an end, and so we had to make our way back to our boat after about two hours. From there, we were able to admire a enchanting sunset on the return journey.

Back on the mainland, we quickly started the journey home, which we crowned with a spicy and delicious burger in an Indigenous restaurant. Around half past nine in the evening, exactly 36 hours after we set off, we were back home. It's unbelievable what we experienced in that time. This trip was definitely the highlight of my time in Canada so far. Tofino is definitely a must-visit if you find yourself on Vancouver Island.

So, the entry is finished. Finally, back to studying...

Wishing you a relaxing Sunday, and I'll definitely be in touch again before I embark on the return journey in twelve days.

Yours, Felix.

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