Tag 39: Jakarta Airport

প্ৰকাশিত: 20.03.2020

After deciding to fly home, I had another day in Bali before I would start my journey home. I couldn't sleep well at night, excited because of the previous events. I woke up at 6 o'clock to enjoy the early morning hours, a privilege I learned to appreciate during my time in Asia, when the sun is just rising over the mountain peaks, filling the landscape with its special light. The still weak rays on the skin dispel the coolness of the morning and the air is full of energy for a new day.

After a classic Balinese breakfast, rice with vegetables, I set out to explore the still empty streets. People everywhere were starting to set up their stands or go to work. I gave my wandering a direction as I headed to the airport, which was only 15 minutes away from the hostel and very easy to reach. I took this opportunity to make sure that the planned flight the next day would go smoothly. Fortunately, I made the trip back because my flight to Jakarta was actually cancelled. Unfortunately, I was not informed about this by the airline or my travel agency. On site, I was then rebooked for the earlier flight at seven in the morning, so my layover time between flights was extended, but at least I should be able to make the connection.

Back at the hotel, I got ready for the beach and walked down the street until I reached German Beach (that's really the name). One last time, I enjoyed the warm water, the fine sand between my feet, and the soothing warm midday heat. After reading an online review, I decided to try a Balinese massage. It was tempting, among other things, because of its price, only 4.5 euros for an hour of massage. The value for money was incredible. I took a seat on a recliner in a private room and let the masseuse's relaxation techniques wash over my body.

The Balinese massage is characterized by many strokes and kneading and, unlike Thai massage, fewer stretches. It is performed with oil and is said to promote blood circulation, relax muscles, and induce relaxation. And it definitely fulfilled that promise. The hour passed by in a flash, but it helped me bridge the time and distance myself from the stress of the past few days.

In the evening, I met up with the friend from the first day in Bali. Before we went for Japanese food, I watched the sunset at the city beach and soaked up the atmosphere of the simple life there. After Japanese food, a burger, and a few donuts, I made my tired way home. There, I had to navigate past the ubiquitous vendors who wanted to sell you a ride or souvenirs. Even at the restaurants, you are politely greeted and invited in to eat. In the pizzerias, there were always small pizza slices to try at the entrance, so I gladly engaged in a short conversation with an evening snack afterwards. Once again, I felt the friendliness of the people there, the security personnel wishing you a good evening, and this lightness that you normally only find in the Mediterranean region.

After a shower and final packing, I went to bed early, as the alarm was supposed to go off at 4:45 a.m. However, it didn't because I woke up earlier and turned it off. In the dark, I went to the airport, where everything went smoothly so far, except that I have to check in again in Jakarta, as the flights are operated by different airlines. Now I have six hours layover in Jakarta and another six hours transit in Oman. If everything goes smoothly, I will land in Frankfurt at 7:05 a.m.


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