Von Shanghai nach Hamburg
Von Shanghai nach Hamburg

03.08.2019: Siberian big city feeling

প্ৰকাশিত: 03.08.2019

Every time I think of Novosibirsk, the line from the Westernhagen song "Her name was Natascha. She came from Novosibirsk. We drank vodka in bottles ...." comes to mind. Our bus driver refused to play the not entirely appropriate title. Possibly a good decision considering the average age or intellectual level of some fellow travelers.

On today's city tour, we were shown everything worth seeing in the city and its surroundings. It is a city dominated by socialist panel or showy buildings. Expectations should not be set too high there. One thing they are proud of, however, is that there is a lot of science located in a separate district (Akademgorodsk). Putin recently promised to build a second CERN here during a visit.


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