Postcard motif Anse Georgette ...

প্ৰকাশিত: 04.11.2021

Today we want to visit 'Anse Georgette', which is one of the top beaches in the Seychelles next to Anse Lazio and which we were able to admire from the water during our boat tour yesterday. Once again, a reservation is required for this, as access is only possible through the Lemuria Resort, a huge complex with a renowned golf course - but that's the way it is.

On the way there, we even pass by some souvenir shops, which is almost an extraordinary experience here on this island, so a little stroll is simply part of it!

After the short distance (I would estimate 4-5km from our accommodation), we arrive at the Lemuria Resort, park the car, and continue to the beach on foot. This requires about a 30-minute walk across the golf course, luckily it is a bit cloudy today, which makes it more pleasant. Hardly anyone plays golf and we see more staff doing cleaning work on the course than golfers - but all the employees are extremely friendly, even from a distance of 100m, they greet you with a nice 'Hello', simply really lovely people, the Seychellois.

Finally, we arrive at the bay, which is relatively empty due to the regulation of the number of visitors by the resort. Framed on the right and left by the pink-tinged granite rocks typical of Praslin, it is also a dream bay for us. Nevertheless, we both independently come to the conclusion that Anse Lazio, where many locals mingle, seems a bit more authentic to us than this one, where mainly tourists gather.

You can also snorkel here, and since we have already brought all the equipment, we are now using it, although the large waves on the beach give little hope for good conditions. Actually, the snorkeling is better than expected, we at least see some fish and the visibility is relatively clear!

Back on land, we enjoy the beach a little more before we start our way back, it even starts to rain a little, but actually quite pleasant!

On the way back, we pass by a pearl farm, there are 'Black Pearls of Seychelles' available here, after the shop was closed on the way there (even though according to the opening hours, it should already have been open for an hour - but that's how it is in the Seychelles), we are successful on the way back and can take a close look at the jewelry pieces with the black pearls. It's nice to look at, but since we don't really know much about such jewelry, we just stick to 'looking'. A guided tour of the pearl farm is currently not possible due to Covid.

Actually, we still want to stop by the supermarket, but it also takes a longer lunch break than the times announced on the door sign. When we pass by again later, the Indian owner tells us 'late lunch today - longer closing' - alright, of course he should also enjoy a nice meal at noon, the customers of his store can wait a little or simply come back again when they find the doors closed - here in the Seychelles, everything is very relaxed, after all, we are on vacation :)) These are just little things - why am I mentioning them actually...? - because all these little things contribute to the Seychelles feeling...

In the evening, I am allowed to use the swimming pool again during the club's training times, by the way, it is located right next to the sea, I have never seen anything like it. I enjoy every meter in the water.

There is no sunset tonight, well, of course there is, but dense clouds cover the horizon, so this time we don't get to experience this spectacle. Nevertheless, a little walk on the beach is a must, but this time the weather god is not on our side - it starts to rain heavily and by the time we are back in the apartment, we are soaked - but all good, it's warm rain!

In the evening, we have a delicious fish curry with Red Snapper, which Mama bought today at the best supermarket we have found throughout the vacation. Because if there is one thing we 'miss', it is probably a 'Rewe' or 'Edeka' here on the islands, the supermarkets here, mostly run by Indians, are almost all a bit chaotic and if you have 5 things on your shopping list, you feel like you have to go to 4 different mini-markets to get everything. This supermarket, on the other hand, falls under the motto - 'small but nice', on the few square meters, there is an incredible variety of products - my highlight: ciabatta rolls (because the standard bread here is white toast bread, whole grain toast is already a rarity).

We enjoy the evening and realize with shock that tomorrow is already the last day on Praslin.

By the way, today there are 'only' a few pictures of Anse Georgette, from this beach you could have taken another 100 snapshots - it is simply a unique postcard motif!


ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন ছিচেলছ

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