Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

Eine neue Erfahrung

প্ৰকাশিত: 25.04.2017

We arrive in Denpasar, Bali at 0.25 local time. Even though the time difference to Australia is only two hours, it is now the middle of the night for us. Accordingly tired and overwhelmed by the climate, we get off the plane.

We have never been to Asia before and are excited about the impressions that await us here. We already get a small preview in the immigration control queue. The Chinese travel group from Beijing, standing behind us in the queue, obviously cannot understand why we leave half a meter of space for the traveler in front of us to breathe. They try to convince us by pushing, running the stroller into our heels, and having lively discussions among themselves. When the immigration officer also responds to the behavior with a wink and a resigned look, saying "chinese people", we are a little relieved that the Balinese seem to be a bit more relaxed.

We meet the Chinese travel group at the baggage carousel and cannot stop marveling. It is hard to describe the ecstasy that discovering the right baggage carousel can trigger ;)

The owners of our first Airbnb accommodation have sent us a driver who drops us off at our apartment around 2.30 am. Finally sleep.

For our first day in Bali, we decide to get used to the new continent first. Breakfast is already waiting for us and the landlord willingly answers all our questions and tries to give us important tips for our stay. There is fresh fruit and rice rolls filled with bananas. Delicious!

Even at this early hour, the weather is bothering us. Let's put it this way: after breakfast, at 9 am sitting in the shade under a fan, the first shower is already needed.

We rent a scooter at our accommodation and buy water and fruit for the day at the nearby supermarket. With sunscreen applied, we set off to the beach, which is not that easy to find due to the confusing network of streets. But we eventually find it and park our scooter. The traffic makes the ride an experience. It will surely take a few days for us to get used to the hustle and bustle of honking scooters, stray dogs, chickens and cows on the road, and cars.

Arriving at the beach, we sit down in one of the many small restaurants and order noodles or rice and fresh pineapple juice. We enjoy the beach, the sun, and the food, even though we would need another shower by now.

Back at our accommodation, we cool off with a jump in the pool and have a small fruit snack.


ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন ইণ্ডোনেছিয়া