„Ich bin dann mal weg“ planlos-reisen
„Ich bin dann mal weg“ planlos-reisen

Goodbye after 2 beautiful days

প্ৰকাশিত: 12.07.2022

Daniela cleared her guest room while I had half dried my tent and packed up my things. She had moved into a room to get her tent dry and then pack it up dry as well.

After breakfast, it was time to say goodbye. A few more photos, then Daniela continued on her bike towards Lake Chiemsee, and for me, finally towards home.

Tietjen, as she likes to call herself, had serious concerns about the altitude meters ahead of her, especially since she still had heavy legs. The day before yesterday, she hiked up Mount Jenner, which is nearly 1900 meters high, and then yesterday she walked nearly 20 km with me. It's normal for the legs to get heavy after that. However, her fears did not come true, as she wrote to me earlier.

My GPS led me back to Austria and through Salzburg before finally heading to Germany.

I drove mostly on small country roads and also on major highways to make progress. Even the highways down here are not boring at all. They are nice and curvy and pass most of the towns.

The tour took me all the way to Kulmbach today, where I checked into a hotel.

I had a lot of seating issues during the tour today. Since the beginning of the trip, a pimple on my buttocks has been bothering me. I had treated it with drawing salve during the tour and it seemed to be gone, except for a small, but not bothersome, hardening. Last night it started hurting again and also became swollen. I suspect that an abscess or boil has formed there now. Of course, in a spot that is constantly under pressure from sitting. Tomorrow I will try if it works better with cycling shorts, which have a gel pad. Otherwise, I will have to ride mostly standing. 😂


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