New Zealand: a review!

প্ৰকাশিত: 27.02.2024

Almost 38,000 kilometers by air, 5600 km on the roads in New Zealand, countless hours in the Ford Ranger, 4 weeks! The return journey alone really pushed us to the limit with 36 hours on our feet. The longest flight from Singapore to Frankfurt was 13 hours of pure flight time.

Was it worth it? It was indescribable...or at least describable, as can be seen from the 30 blog entries. There are almost 600 pictures in this travel blog, each one of which puts a smile on our faces.

Kiwis, serpentines, smelly holes, sea lions, seals, dream beaches, lighthouses, caves, lakes, mountains, albatrosses, elves, a green dragon, many red dragons, gods, the mighty power of the was like a dream!

For us as a family, it was an experience that you can actually spend four weeks in a confined space close to each other without arguing. We had a lot to laugh about, to discuss, or just to talk and be amazed together. We were so amazed!

For anyone thinking about traveling to New Zealand: DO IT! It is a wonderful, welcoming and scenic country with such great people.

The impressions that remain with us remain...and if we forget a little of them, we have this blog to remind us of this great time.

Thank you New Zealand, thank you to our "blog followers", we hope we have put a smile on your face too.

Thanks also to Jasmin's Kess Reisen , who supported us greatly in the realization and implementation of this dream.

Obligatory: Thanks to FRIZZ Das Magazin for I don't know what, but thanks! Oh, and Dirk: my wife complained quietly that I only had T-shirts and no shirts with me - what about FRIZZ shirts? Please xxxxl...

best regards


Addendum: I came back on Saturday, February 24th at 6:00 a.m. and drove to my parents' house at 3:00 p.m. What happened: WINDSHIELD WIPER INSTEAD OF INDICATOR...3 times! Are you serious?


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