Great reunion in The Hague - September 20th

প্ৰকাশিত: 26.09.2019

In the morning we are lucky, in the café on the square a large group has organized a breakfast buffet and we can participate for €10 per person, including coffee, very good! After being fully fed, we make our way to The Hague. That will be the destination for the next three nights. We are looking forward to really good weather, to having a base for a few days again, but most of all we are looking forward to seeing familiar faces. Finally some social contacts again...!

As a meeting point, we choose the Vakantiepark in Kijkduin near Scheveningen, a big thing! The home base asks if we should reserve to get two pitches next to each other... Reserve...???....We have been staying at places where nothing is happening for weeks... why should we reserve?

But it's the weekend and the weather is supposed to be really good, so we look stupid when we have to wait in line at the reception... what's going on here???

We still get two pitches next to each other... lucky us... later, around 4 pm, the cars are lined up at the barrier in an endless line just to get onto the grounds. We are right next to the toilet, which is very convenient for our needs... if you drink a lot of water, you have to go to the toilet often...! However, we are a bit overwhelmed by the bustling activity on the campsite... we haven't experienced that in a long time!

We still can't believe that visitors will arrive soon. And then it happens, the old drake arrives and the welcome is huge. Two hours later my sister's heart arrives and we are all very happy to see each other. After an hour, it feels like we've never been apart, everything is the same... nice! We tell our stories and look forward to stories from home. We drink, eat and laugh until midnight. Then we all disappear into our beds.

The next morning, I get up at 7.30 am. I take the dog to the beach, then I make coffee and wait for the rest of the beauties to wake up. The sun is shining and the temperatures are pleasantly warm... we missed that! Around 10 am, there is another reunion, Simona arrives and we are extremely happy. But that shouldn't be all, because the cabin boys also happen to be stopping in The Hague this weekend and are on a skate tour. The whole gang joins us around noon and I can't believe it, so many familiar faces all at once. Jörni gets a break from the girls and spends the afternoon with the boys. We girls pack a beer in our backpack and make our way to the beach... it's huge and it's better to take the bus to get to the water! But... full full...! We entertain the dog and after two hours we make our way back. In shorts... unbelievable! The boys get in touch and we arrange to meet in The Hague in the evening. At noon we rented bicycles, Jörn also did, which the boys took with them in the car so that Jörni can cycle back with us in the evening. At around 8:45 pm, we set off... on a really wild route...! After a short time, we realize that only one of us has a functioning rear light and only two of us have a relatively weak front light. Great... that's something to look forward to...! I claim to really know how to ride a bike, but on the giant Dutch bike with ONLY A BACKPEDAL... exclusively BACKPEDAL... and blind as a mole, it was almost impossible to ride. The entire route was as dark as a bear's butt and it took us about an hour to cover the 12 km...! There's still a lot of hustle and bustle in the harbor basin, one party boat after another... just no boys... they're waiting for us at the Aloha Bar on the beach. We order 1-2 pitchers of beer... maybe a bit more and have fun. Despite several pitchers, the guys at the bar don't feel like keeping the place open for us around midnight, and after one final pitcher, we have to go somewhere else. Instead of going to the bar next door right away, we ride or roll up and down the incredibly long promenade at breakneck speed. On a bicycle, on a skateboard, on a bicycle with a skateboard, and also on a bicycle with a rolling chain of skateboards. Gerald does a very elegant parrot and doesn't do anything... almost surprising given the take-off. Unfortunately, there's not much going on here anymore and we need to take a break for beer and sugar. We decide to ride to the harbor basin where we girls passed by at the beginning. There was still a big party going on there two hours ago. But now someone has turned off the lights and it's completely dead... we can't believe it, where did all the people go? At least the fish stand is still open and some people are enjoying a midnight snack. We have one more beer together and it's already 2 o'clock. The guys try to call a taxi while we throw ourselves back on our bicycles to ride back to Kijkduin. This time on the main road, well lit... this is how cycling is fun. We pedal fast and let the warm air in the middle of the night blow around our ears... nice!

Dear cabin boys, we were delighted to see you and had a fantastic day with you!!!

We all sleep relatively late the next day. Coffee and waking up first. We find out that the guys weren't able to try out any more skate parks and headed home right away. Yes, yes... we're not twenty anymore, even if almost all of us look like it :)

My sister's heart leaves for home in the early afternoon... the guys and the hard work are calling...! After a difficult goodbye, the three of us make ourselves comfortable. The rest stays one more day! We don't make a big radius on this day... from parking space to parking space, to the restroom... to the supermarket 200 m away and that's about it...! In the evening, it starts to rain, unfortunately, and we put up our sunshade (I will call it a rainshade from now on...) over the bus. The advantage is that the acorns, which are constantly falling from the trees, don't fall on our heads right away! We sit together and enjoy the evening. In the meantime, we laugh so hard that we bother half the campsite. Since there aren't many people left, most of them have already left, the weekend is over!

The next morning, we have breakfast together and wonder, as we have been doing for the past few days, where the owners of the huge refrigerator next to us have gone...! I saw the two of them for the last time on Friday afternoon as they made their way to the beach... and then... never again...? There's something wrong, right?

The Concorde has been standing deserted at its spot for three days, connected to the power and no one to be seen. We are a little worried and imagine wild headlines....! So... maybe someone can call Roompot and ask if number 322 is available again... or Tommes... next time you're in Wuppertal, maybe you can check if everything is okay there and if the Concorde is back...!

At noon, it's time to say goodbye again...! We were incredibly happy to see you old rogues again and to spend a fantastic weekend with you in the finest sunshine. Many thanks to Mirjam, Jenny, Mone, Tommes, Marcel, Fred, Ralle, Kasi, Gerald, Tobi, Micha, and Sven. It was a blast :)

PS: Many thanks for the photos Tommes... and Jenny... for once, I didn't even have the camera in my hand...


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