Friends and relatives

প্ৰকাশিত: 12.08.2023

On this day, I slept in late and then went into the city without a proper plan, just to see what comes to mind.

After walking around the city for a bit, I went to the NEMO Science Museum and went to the freely accessible rooftop terrace there. The museum was really nicely designed, with lots of things to try out and experiment with.

After going through the exhibition, I went to the Foodhallen to meet up with two young women from my hostel and with my cousin and her friend. We all got something to eat, chatted a bit, and then agreed to meet up at a bar later. We sat there for a long time and talked about all sorts of topics.

উত্তৰ (1)

Schön das ihr Euch getroffen habt!

ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন নেদাৰলেণ্ড

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