Day 2 - Robertson

We slept well the first night. Corina dozed off after 5 minutes, while Kosi fought against a mosquito for several hours. The day started with excellent coffee. Then we lounged in the sun chairs and indulged in our crime novels. In between, we cooled off in the pool and treated ourselves to a snack. Today we saw the springboks (not antelopes) again. We also marveled at the noisy flies we called "knatterfliegen" and the twerking birds. At 6:00 pm our landlord (Braam) arrived with a pickup truck full of food and drinks. Braam first served us a gin with Schweppes, chia seeds, and blueberries. Mmmm tasty ;-)

After that, Braam fired up the braai oven. As a starter, we had sheep's tail (lam tail), liver wrapped in neck fat from the shaft, and pumpkin ball with sweet sauce. Then we had ostrich fillet with summer salad and stuffed mushrooms. For dessert, Braam served us apple crumble with ice cream.

Braam is a very nice guy. Braam told us about his experiences in Switzerland with hard bread during fondue, colored eggs all year round, punctual public transportation, and friendly bus drivers. He also told us that South Africa has become corrupt since Mandela's death. It was a wonderful day with a fantastic dinner. Braam is an amazing guy. We are looking forward to the rest of the journey.

More updates to come

উত্তৰ (2)

Ich erquicke mich sehr ab euren schnittigen Texten und bildlichen Eindrücken! Das sieht wirklich äusserst bestialisch und ausserordentlich formidabel aus. Wie ich obengenannt entnehme, war die gestrige Jagd auf die hellauf kolossalen Antilopen nicht erfolgreich, da es zum Essen stattdessen Fleisch aus einer Kreuzung von Schafen und Straussen gab. Herzlichst Fromaaääge

danke fürs la teilha a öire reis 😊 äs xet troumhaft us u dir ganz entspannt & zfride 🥰 öier blogiträg si mini bettlektüre, danke 😊 gniessits witerhin & häbit sorg ✌️ grüessli & küsslis vo de fromaaääge-froue 😉

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