Irgendwo im Nirgendwo

প্ৰকাশিত: 31.10.2018

Today we set off for nowhere. We were invited to a camp by the farm family. After almost an hour's drive with the Bajaji, which was anything but comfortable, we arrived. The camp looked beautiful. There were small clay huts everywhere and there were two large huts and an open kitchen. This camp was founded and built by a family from New Zealand. They have adopted a daughter and two pairs of twins from Tanzania, or are still in the process with the little ones. The woman and daughter were not there, but the man was incredibly warm-hearted and the interaction with the twins (8 and 1 1/2) was so warm that it warmed my heart.

The worship service began at 11 a.m., in which we also participated. It was somewhat cult-like but very interesting. Afterward, we lounged around, had lunch, went for a walk, played table tennis and volleyball, and simply enjoyed the time. It was like being in a different world and we felt incredibly comfortable and welcome. In the evening, there were delicious burgers and even cheese ;). Then we danced wildly. Richard taught all the Scottish dances and wore a kilt while doing so. We had so much fun and then drove home late in the evening, completely sweaty.

On Sunday, I went with the girls to a mountain nearby. The place is called Tosamaganga. It was built decades ago by Germans. There is a huge church and two large buildings. You can immediately recognize the German architectural style and the stability of our buildings :). The buildings house a monastery with nuns and an internet and various schools. It was really beautiful and we went for a little walk, although the sun was burning quite hot.

All in all, it was a truly beautiful weekend and I am very grateful to be able to experience so many different unforgettable moments here!
