
Great projects and more...

প্ৰকাশিত: 30.03.2019

Back and forth, back and forth, brushing teeth? That's difficult here :D

Dental care is a big topic. Brushing teeth is not something that is really widespread. While there is toothpaste in almost every household, it is kept in the first aid kit and used to treat burns, not to care for teeth.

So it's surprising to see little playgroup kids with black, rotten teeth.

Therefore, it is even more important to start with the little ones and swing the brushes!

To make it less boring, we sing loudly while brushing our teeth and there are cool new colorful brushes. Together, we have also created an individual, colorful and eye-catching holder for the brushes. The kids enjoy it and maybe soon they will have some brushes at home and the toothpaste will be taken out of the first aid kit? That would be nice!

"Pop Mie"...Oh my God!

What sounds like a quote from an 80s erotic film is actually the curse of the decade.

Pop Mie...small cups made of cardboard and plastic, filled with highly chemical instant noodles and a sauce that could burn holes in clothing if you're not careful. This is the new trend here, which no one really needs, but it's there and promoted by countless posters (short digression: The best poster so far is a picture of a smoking Sylvester Stallone saying: Smoking is Super - never quit! :D).

So...Pop Mie...thousands of these cups are flying around here, every store, every market, they are simply everywhere and are eagerly eaten. What remains after 2 minutes of snack fun and not being full is a plastic lid, a plastic protective cover, and a cup. Where to put them? Of course, nobody knows yet, how could they, there is no waste system. So everything is neatly stacked and burned in the garden...yummy!

To find at least one idea for this, we collected the cups and turned them into confetti with the kids. That's fun! Even though most of them were disappointed that they weren't allowed to eat the cups empty beforehand  Afterwards everything went into a self-sewn fabric bag and taaadaaa...a Pop Mie bean bag (wow, what a word).

The result is comfortable, looks good and at least ensured that several hundred cups are burned or become headgear for macaque monkeys.

We need more of such bean bags! Maybe some restaurants will get on board and want to spice up their seating with Pop Mie bean bags, that would be great!


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