
Travel to Khajuraho - Madhya Pradesh

প্ৰকাশিত: 16.02.2019

Tea, Coffee, Tomato soup woke me up from my sleep after a pleasant night here on the 'HWH Mumbai Mail' from Kolkata to Satna. I looked at the clock, it was 7 o'clock, time to get up. Then the next person came running through the carriage with his offer. Omelette, omelette, omelette, he kept shouting. And so my breakfast was already taken care of.

This time I traveled in the AC 2 Tier class and also on the top, which was a disadvantage. I was right next to the air conditioning unit and it kept blowing cold air continuously.

At around 3 PM, I got off the train at Satna and immediately took the next bus towards 'Khajuraho'. Once again, I boarded one of those long-distance buses in India and once again, I left feeling totally dejected. I sat on a reclining seat. Everything was fine, but after 5 minutes, two more people sat there. After a stopover, there were four of us sitting on this seat and now it was getting uncomfortable. I was cramped behind a ladder for another never-ending 90 minutes, and my seat neighbor kept trying to open the window behind me, which I vehemently resisted. The atmosphere was frosty, I could feel it. But I didn't care much because my limbs were slowly falling asleep and I just wanted to get out of there.

At a junction, I took another local bus to Khajuraho for the remaining 10 kilometers. The next two days were dedicated to visiting the great temples here. I was accompanied by Anastasia, whom I met at the guesthouse. We rode our Indian-style bicycles through the beautiful area. The temples were something special here. The sculptures and carvings mostly depicted beautiful Kama Sutra images.

On the first evening, we were spontaneously invited to a local wedding. Unfortunately, we didn't see the bride and groom, but we enjoyed the delicious food. However, we didn't stay long because the music was deafeningly loud.

Khajuraho is a beautiful place that you can really enjoy after a somewhat long journey. Here, you still feel like you're in a village where life goes on peacefully.


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