Die geheime Tür

প্ৰকাশিত: 11.09.2018

Second goal of our stage reached: Washington DC.

Had a bagel for breakfast in the morning and then off we go.

On a 5-hour bus tour with the Megabus.

A little chatting, a little sleeping, and time flies.

Arriving in Washington, we first dealt with the new ticket machines without any problems. Luckily, the principle is similar to New York.

Then we took the metro to our new accommodation, Adam's Inn.

While inspecting the room, we noticed a door to the courtyard. We went outside for a look and...the door slammed shut. Unfortunately, it has a mechanism that automatically locks itself. So there we were, locked out after 5 minutes.

After explaining the situation to the receptionist, she looked at us in astonishment and said, 'A door to the courtyard? I didn't even know we had one!'

After a short time, the lady appeared with several keys and tried her luck.

Unfortunately, without success. Unfortunately, we also locked the intended entrance door from the inside and she couldn't find the key there either. The spectacle with the keys repeated itself, and she kept appearing with new keys she had found somewhere.

After what felt like 100 attempts and several calls to the caretaker, finally, the salvation! The right key!

After about 30 minutes outside, we could finally get back into our hotel room.

We take it with humor, moments like these are unforgettable. Let's toast to that. Cheers!

উত্তৰ (5)

Statt "das Fenster zum Hof" - "die Tür zum Hof" ????😨😂😂

Ja so in etwa 😂 Narnia war aber nicht hinter der Tür 😂😂😂

curiosity kills the cat..... 🐱...miau

gut, dass ihr morgen nach St. Louis fliegt und von der Ostküste weg kommt... wegen Florence, der Wirbeldüse...

Freuen uns auch sehr auf St. Louis Halten jedem Wetter bisher gut stand ^_^

ভ্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিবেদন আমেৰিকা