day three (and the evening before) navarrette - redocilla del camino

প্ৰকাশিত: 01.05.2018

After taking a shower, we started searching for restaurants in a corner because we didn't know where they were. We found one that seemed to have recently opened. When we realized that we didn't have our 'pilgrim ID cards' with us... I asked in my broken Spanish if they had a 'pilgrim menu' without needing a pilgrim ID card. The waitress told us that she could tell we were pilgrims just by looking at us. Great.

We didn't really care what they had, but I noticed that other pilgrims were getting salads and some were getting fries. And that's what we got. There was also some chicken. Everything was wonderful. Even a cow would have been full from the salad. After the obligatory glass of wine, we ordered a bottle right away. It was so good and fruity. No comparison to our rioja from the coop or something like that.

When I paid, we were served a herbal liqueur. On the house, of course. Probably only because of the taxes. It was very 'spirity' but delicious. After that, we pilgrimaged 'home'.

We woke up at six in the morning and packed up our belongings. We quickly ate a sweet muesli bar, like a snake swallowing its prey...

We brought out the bikes, put our luggage on them, and to my horror, the button on the navigator was stuck from old age and wouldn't come out anymore. Well, it eventually started anyway. So I leave it on for the whole day. Tomorrow I'll see if it turns on again.

It's very cold with 6 degrees and a headwind. A coffee should help, but it's also cold there. Even the chocolate puff pastry thing doesn't help...

When I suddenly feel so cold that I'm trembling, I stop and put on everything I have, except the sleeping bag ;)

After another coffee at a gas station, we continue.

In Santo Domingo, I buy lunch. Since I want to use the frying pan if I'm already carrying it around, I make fried eggs. And I also have ham, cheese, and bread. Urs is also cold now, so he puts on everything he has. I make him a hot tea and now he's fine again.

When we leave Santo Domingo, I realize that we still have to ride more than 20km to get to the next albergues or something like that. And it's already 3 p.m. It's impossible with the headwind. So we head off the Camino, over rocks and stones. But there are a lot more options for albergues along this route.

Since we know from yesterday that we have to be grateful if there's something available, we take the first albergue we find. But it wasn't a good idea. It's free. It offers nothing. The showers are cold and so are the rooms. Pilgrimage live...

So we go to a bar. It's warmer with the door open than the albergue.

Let's see how the food will be.

60km 880m elevation gain


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