Chicago bound baby

প্ৰকাশিত: 04.06.2016

One week ago we finally started our 3-month trip through North, Central, and South America. Before the actual journey or adventure begins, we spent a week sleeping for free on a stranger's couch through Couchsurfing, as the name suggests. Already on the way to the USA, we were able to gather equally interesting but much different first impressions. While Max was impressed by the size of airports other than the ones he knew (Berlin and Mallorca 😄) and the onboard amenities, I was excited about the fact that with crutches and a special shoe, you don't have to wait in line for check-in, security check, boarding, or customs in the USA (two weeks before departure, I broke my foot - no pity, my own fault). This trick will probably prove useful in the future even without an injury. 😄 The flights were largely uneventful, without clapping, dancing, and singing like on RyanAir. 😄

Arriving in Chicago, we gathered our things and met our American-Mexican host Nestor. Nestor was very friendly and open, so the ice was broken right from the start. We got into a good conversation, introduced ourselves, sorted out some organizational matters, and immediately went to different bars in the evening. He explained America from his perspective and asked us things like, 'Do you also have buses and trains in Germany? Do you have Nike and Adidas?' 😄 Questions that seem quite familiar to me from my studies.

We used the first two days to play the typical tourist roles. That means backpack, sunscreen, camera 1, camera 2, cell phones, and stiff neck were part of the starter package. Chicago, also known as the Windy City, was unexpectedly hot, which provided breathtaking views of the Willis Tower, Navy Pier, Millennium Park (interesting for Max), and women (interesting for me). After putting aside the sightseeing program, we decided to spend the next few days with our buddy Nestor, as he didn't have to work and the weather was getting worse. He showed us his favorite spots outside of Chicago in the small town called Elmhurst, where he studies. Elmhurst is a typical suburban town where the upper class has settled. We ate a lot, saw a lot, and celebrated a pool party with Nestor's friends.

All in all, the first week can be described as the perfect start to the adventure. The next few weeks in the USA will certainly be more turbulent, chaotic, and adventurous, but anyone can stay in a 5-star hotel on the beach. No offense... 😄

PS: A tip for all people who want to experience Couchsurfing in Chicago: Nestor Zavala is the young man who certainly wants to learn more things about Germany. Very funny, nice young man who is very interested in the well-being of his guests.

See you soon

Marshall (Max) & Holland Herold (Sascha)

উত্তৰ (2)

Das hört sich ja wunderschön an. Da kann sogar ich neidisch werden. Wünsche mir noch weitere so aufregende und interessante Berichte von Euch.

Cooler Start Eures Blogs... Macht Spaß, ihn zu lesen... Fotos zu schauen... Freu mich auf mehr... Denken so oft an Euch und sind schon "ETWAS" neidisch... Habt eine "unvergessliche, weiterhin atemberaubende, erlebnisreiche BRUDERZEIT...

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