31.03. In the Glowworm Cave

প্ৰকাশিত: 31.03.2018

Today we marveled at a particularly fascinating natural spectacle, the glowworms in the 'Te Anau Glowworm Cave'. These are actually not glowworms, but larvae of the fungus gnat. The cave can only be reached by boat via Lake Te Anau. The boat ride across the lake already offers stunning scenic views.

Inside the cave, there is a fairly rushing river with waterfalls and whirlpools. First, you walk about 300 meters inside. Then you are loaded into a small boat and go even deeper into the cave in complete darkness. And there they are, the glowworms, hanging like small LED lamps by the thousands on the ceiling and walls. It is not allowed to take photos in the cave, so there is no pictorial evidence.

In the afternoon, we walked a section of the popular 'Kepler Track', actually a multi-day hike, through lush green forest with such diverse ferns, mosses, mushrooms, etc.

Forgot to mention yesterday: We are staying at Loch Sloy B&B.


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