It's already starting

প্ৰকাশিত: 04.07.2020

It's actually starting today. Just three weeks ago, I thought my summer vacation would consist of the usual one to two week bike tours, slowly eating away at my limited remaining vacation days. But then an offer for a several month sabbatical from my employer landed in my inbox, which I simply couldn't resist. And so it happened that I can now fully dedicate myself to my passion of bikepacking for the rest of the summer, quite spontaneously and unprepared.

Starting from my previously planned vacation destination in Engadin, I will continue riding - following the Western Alpine arc, heading south towards Nice. Equipped with the essentials, such as a tent, cooker, sleeping bag, and at most two t-shirts, I want to lose myself in the flow of the most beautiful trails, until the mountains eventually and hopefully spit me out at the sea, safe and sound. And after that, I want to continue along the Ligurian coast until November. That's at least the plan for now. Whether it will actually happen remains to be seen. After all, it's not only necessary to keep long-term motivation for sometimes stubborn and rebellious calves, and to keep my hypochondriac-sensitive buttocks entertained, but also to keep the undoubtedly fickle mountain weather and my excessive talent for wearing out equipment in check.

But we'll see. For now, I have arrived in Chur by train. In heavy rain. That's already an absolute dream start.


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