Einmal um die Welt... zumindest halb!
Einmal um die Welt... zumindest halb!

Tag 20 - Goodbye Aotearoa

প্ৰকাশিত: 21.05.2019

Since our arrival here 20 days ago, a lot has happened. We have learned what it's like to drive on the left side, we have slept in a different bed almost every night, and we have seen so many beautiful places. Places ranging from tourist attractions to hidden gems to legendary sites. From Cape Reinga to Lake Marian to Edoras, and everything in between.

The wonderful three weeks have come to an end, and I have noticed two things:

1. At the beginning, the days felt endless. Whether it was due to jet lag or the fact that there were so many new experiences every day, I cannot say. But the longer we were in New Zealand, the shorter the days felt. The last 5 days actually felt like 5 days, while the first 5 felt twice as long.

2. The second thing I noticed, which was a gradual process, is the fact that we (unfortunately) became more desensitized. Things that were fascinating in the first few days became things that were just part of the norm at the end. This extended to even beautiful beaches, mountains, or lakes (or the combination of all three), which just became another beautiful sight but nothing extraordinary.

Overall, it can be said that we made the most of every day, the weather was mostly favorable to us, and even when it rained, it didn't stop us from exploring the country. The vacation was a complete success!

So, all that's left to say is:

Goodbye New Zealand, we will definitely come back for a second time!


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