Saturday hike

প্ৰকাশিত: 25.01.2024

Since a friend had decided to take us on hikes to various places in the area every Saturday, Colin, who came to Kuntabesi for six months after graduating from high school, and I set off on one on Saturday at 8 a.m Hike.

However, in the morning it was still so foggy that you couldn't see much around you. However, the fog also gave our trip a mystical charm. On the way back, when we could see more clearly again, we were amazed at what had already been right in front of and next to us on the way there. In general, I really enjoyed the nature around me and the beautiful views that presented me on our hike.

We were also once again able to feel the Nepalese hospitality during our trip. So we were invited for tea three times on our way by people whose houses we passed.

We also passed two temples on our trip. Next to one of these temples there was a small house that reminded me very much of the small houses in Germany that have figures of saints in them. However, what made me suspicious (and something I've encountered several times in Bhaktapur) was a certain symbol that had been painted on the top right and left of the house. We learned that this symbol, the swastika, is used in Hinduism as a religious symbol of salvation and good luck. This is of course very far from what this symbol connotes in our minds.

On the way back we also passed entire villages that are dedicated to making bricks. We saw people making bricks in the blazing sun from a young age to old age.


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